The Realists, on the other hand, taking pattern from Plato, held fast to the objective reality of the universals (universalia ante rem).
If he held fastto the substantiality of the monads, he was in danger of making them independent of the Deity, and if he did not, he could hardly escape falling back into Spinozism.
He held fast to the omnipotence of the state in the ancient sense.
To the belief that Christ’s Body is truly received in Communion he held fast, as already stated, till the end of his life.
Rationalism, on the contrary, held fast to the deductive method, because the syllogism alone, in its view, furnishes knowledge valid for all rational beings.
The warp and web are kept longitudinally stretched by a weighted cord, which passes round the warp-beam, and which tends continually to draw back the cloth from its beam, where it is held fast by the ratchet tooth.
Illustration: 55 56] In raising pipes, it is necessary to introduce a tool into the inside of the pipe, by which it will be held fast.
The rotten foothold had given way beneath them, and, held fast in each other's clutch, they had fallen headlong into the deeps below.
Held fast there, the current was thrusting the slight structure across the stream.
Jack alone remained in the howdah, held fast by his bonds.
A third, when she is endeavoring to tear her hair with her hands, tears off leaves; one complains that her legs are held fast by the trunk of a tree, another that her arms are become long branches.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "held fast" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.