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Example sentences for "alonge"

Lexicographically close words:
aloin; alone; aloneness; along; alonga; alonger; alongshore; alongside; alongst; aloof
  1. Sawkins was kill'd intended to have tooken, butt after the 60 men had left us, wee had Informacion thay wear provided for us, soe wee stood upp alonge shore to goe to Arica.

  2. Just as wee wear goeing to land in a bay about 2 leagues to the Southwards of the towne, wee saw many horse men rideing alonge Shoare, so that wee findeing no convenient Place to land, rowed a little of Shoar and consulted togather.

  3. Our man of warr cannoes, roweing alonge shore to thiss Key, was 2 dayes before came up with itt, which att last did, and took 2 Antient men Prissnors, about 75 years of Age.

  4. May flower turning alonge shoar, gott to the Isle of Plate before the Ship Trinity 3 dayes; wee wear about 15 dayes a turning up.

  5. Negro women which had made their Eschape alonge with the Governor of the Stockadose.

  6. Maria with about 70 men alonge with him, capt.

  7. Now wee being in the South Sea's goes alonge shoare to a Plantan Key,[16] which lieth about 14 leagues from Pennamau.

  8. September 81, wee turnd alonge shore as high as cape Blanco,[81] and then haveing a trew traid winde att S.

  9. Putting out of this Porte wee saild alonge N.

  10. Indian that was taken alonge with him, which Indian carried our peopple to thre or 4 wigwams, wheir was fier, but could see no peopple.

  11. This beinge done, the women tooke the gouernment of the Countrey, inhabitinge at the beginninge alonge the Riuer of Thermodon, where their husbandes were slayne.

  12. Her caskett, and such other necessaryes Included in our bargen, bring alonge Or lett her mayde do'ot for thee.

  13. Hee promist to bringe you too alonge and meete with my master and som others of his frends att supper.

  14. Gabot, feelinge the colde, turned towardes the west, refreshing himselfe at Baccalaos; and afterwardes he sailed alonge the coaste unto 38.

  15. Bristowe, and very fewe or none of the like burden alonge the channell of the Severne from Glocester to the Landes Ende on the one side, and Milforde Haven on the other.

  16. Ortelius; neither is it peopled by the Spaniardes to any purpose savinge onely alonge the sea coaste.

  17. Eaton, and Edmond Sayer should com alonge in the said shipps for Jaccatra, for lessenyng charges in the factory.

  18. And in the meane tyme sell away what yow can; stand not upon price, but turne what yow can into money and bringe it alonge with yow.

  19. Bryghte sonne in haste han drove hys fierie wayne A three howres course alonge the whited skyen, Vewynge the swarthless bodies on the playne, And longed greetlie to plonce in the bryne.

  20. Upon du Chatelet he ferselie sett, And peerc'd his bodie with a force full grete; The asenglave of his tylt-launce was wett, The rollynge bloude alonge the launce did fleet.

  21. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "alonge" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.