This also thy request with caution askt Obtaine: though to recount Almightie works What words or tongue of Seraph can suffice, Or heart of man suffice to comprehend?
And therefore Almightie GOD, in his Iustice, hath cut her off.
The almightie God grant you so to rule the kingdome of Britaine, that you may reigne with him for euer, whose vicar (or vicegerent) you are within your aforesaid kingdome.
The first of these entreth with mondaie, whereby it commeth to passe, that we rest vpon the sundaie, which is the seauenth in number, as almightie God hath commanded in his word.
Though almightie God him selfe spake to his captayne Iosue in precise wordes, Non recedat volumen legis huius ab ore tuo sed meditaberis in eo diebus ac noctibus, &c.
Let vs humblye on our knees pray to almightie God, with that wyse [Sidenote: Sapi.
And now before you all I commend my soule to almightie God my sauiour and redeemer, my bodie to the wormes of the earth, my kingdome to the prince my sonne: and to you my louing freends my heart, my trust, and my whole confidence.
From whence I shortly after sayling in a Cypriettes ship (thankes be to almightie God) arriued in this Citie in health, and am safely come home now at the honorable feete of your highnesse.
Almightie God the maker of the world preserue and keepe your Imperiall Maiestie, &c.
Grauesend, and so that night at London with the helpe of almightie God.
At the last without any kind of alteration of his constancie, he recommending his soule vnto almightie God, gaue vp the ghost.
For that same knights owne sword this is of yore, 2 Which Merlin made by his almightieart For that his noursling, when he knighthood swore, 4 Therewith to doen his foes eternall smart.
And God almightie geue you mercie in the sighte of the man and send you youre other brother and also B[~e] Iamin/ and I wilbe as a ma robbed of his childern.
But the almightie be praysed for euer, which deliuered vs out of this and many other in this voyage.
And thus by the good prouidence of Almightie God, I was freed from mine yrons all sauing the collar that was about my necke, and so got my libertie the second time.
At the end of which time it pleasedAlmightie God to restore me my health againe, although weake and greatly disabled.
Ethelbert, in the which he greatlie commended him, in that he had receiued the christian faith, and exhorted him to continue in that most holie state of life, whereby he might worthilie looke for reward at the hands of almightie God.
Almightie God with his grace defend you, and grant me to see in the eternall countrie the fruit of your labours, though heere I cannot labour in the same fellowship with you togither.
But the fauour of almightie God was not wanting to the miserable Britains in that great necessitie.
From thence he came unto London, where he was received with great joy and gladnesse of the people, giving heartie thanks to almightie God for his safe return and deliverance.
This (as manie tooke it) came to passe by the prouidence of almightie God, that those should suffer for their periuries, which contrarie to law and right had consented to crowne him king.
After conclusion of this peace, by the power of almightie God, all debate ceassed in such wise, that the state of the realme of England did maruelouslie for a time flourish, concord being mainteined on ech hand.
For almightie God, who iudgeth his people with equitie, will looke downe from his heauenlie habitation, and will not leaue vs comfortlesse in this so great a necessitie.
Indéed he put diuers bishops to greeuous fines, and that not without the iust Judgement of Almightie God, that they might so be punished duelie for their periurie committed in helping him to the crowne.
But let vs both togither call vnto Almightie God, that it may please him to restore thy hand againe, which came presently to passe assoone as they had thus saide.
For all holy scriptures were not commaunded to be written and sent vnto vs by seruants, but by almightie God yͤ Lord of all things.
We may not of Gods almightie power inferre conclusions to our pleasure.
Thus right high, right Excellent, and right mightie, Almightie God the Father, the Sonne and the holy Ghost haue you in his blessed keeping.
And thus I commit you to Almightie God with the rest of the companie who keepe you in health to his holy will and pleasure.
He was a great fauourer of the Christian religion, insomuch that to aduance the same, he tooke order for the conuerting of the temples dedicated to the honour of idols, vnto the seruice of the true and almightie God.
Therefore to reprooue the fond flatterie of such vaine persons, he deuised and practised the déed before mentioned, thereby both to reprooue such flatterers, and also that men might be admonished to consider the omnipotencie of almightie God.
But whether for this respect, or for that it pleased the almightie God so to dispose the minds of men at that present, not onlie the Britains, but in manner all other nations were contented to be obedient to the Romane empire.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "almightie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.