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Example sentences for "allways"

Lexicographically close words:
alluvions; alluvium; alluz; allway; allwayes; allwise; ally; allying; allyl; allzeit
  1. My Sister Sleeps in the Best Room as she allways Did and the Coock in the garret and you Can have the Rooms the same as you allways Did as your Aunt Donte set in the Parlour She Continlery Sets in the Ciching.

  2. Time will suffer me to write no more; fare you & yours well allways in y^e Lord, in whom I rest.

  3. The good Lord our God who hath allways ordered things for y^e good of his poore churches here, directe us in this arighte, and dispose it to a good issue.

  4. Thus let us set to y^e worke, one way or other, and end, that I may not allways suffer in my name & estate.

  5. Sir, I have allways beene your humblest servante.

  6. I pray thee tender my declyninge age, Stande allways neare that I may never faynte; For thou inspyrst in me more strengthe and life Then mightie nature when she made me younge.

  7. Tys come about: twas allways in my mynde Nothynge should hange me, beinge naught by kynde.

  8. He is allways hearing voices what noboddy else can Once it was like wimmen and children screming out for help.

  9. If you do it yourself you must appolergise for it all (they allways do) and say it shall not accurr again.

  10. He is awfull kind to chilldren so he gives me great enkurygment when I do my picktures nice enough which is allmost allways now.

  11. Parlyment allways thanks him for it—he certanly does make a neat job of it and he has such a nice way of bringing home umbrellas and torture-chambers and things to show he has really been there.

  12. Illustration: The Kurnle or Armaghda This puggnacious Animal is allways thirsting for slaurter.

  13. The back-rownd seen of this pictture is laid at Filey-the-Bewtifull where the damms is to take place [Illustration: The Aird or Dammynile This kind Animal is allways so pleased to see you.

  14. My kind respects to Grand papa and allways believe me, Dr.

  15. I beg you'l represent this to Grandpapa, upon whose friendship, I allways relay.

  16. All I will say is that for my owne parte I will allways make very great difference t'wixt English promasis and Action, and am more fully confirmed in this opinion SINCE THE TENTH OF NOV.

  17. Wee had allways great preparations, and weare invited 9 or tenne times a day.

  18. They coasted this great watter for a long time, finding allways some litle nation whose language they knew not, haveing great feare of one another.

  19. Ye stiffnecked and of uncircumcised hearts and ears: ye have allways resisted the holy ghost: as your fathers did, so do ye.

  20. Wherefore I will not be negligent to put you allways in remembrance of such things, though that ye know them yourselves and be also stablished in the present truth.

  21. The poor allways shall ye have with you, but me shall ye not allways have.

  22. They will allways manage to stand middling still untill yu git the pail just about full, and then for fear they wont hit it, they will kik with both feet to oust, and squeal into the bargain.

  23. Thare iz no fun in a spider, he iz az lonesum az a mizer, he spends hiz whole life making webs, and watching them, and allways lays at the mouth ov hiz hole, reddy to back in out ov danger.

  24. I hav got a grate deal ov pattent rite kuriosity in my compound, and am allways hanging around things that hav got a little mistery in them, but i suppoze i hav got a grate deal ov caushun too.

  25. To be et up bi grasshopps, to be consumed bi muskeeters, or mangled bi a mule, hav allways been the three deaths that i hav voted aginst.

  26. He thinks he haz got a good lone hand, but in playing it, allmost allways gits ukered.

  27. Thare iz millyuns ov them kaught every year, but not with a hook, this makes the market for them unstiddy, the supply allways exceeding the demand.

  28. Time will suffer me to write no more; fare, you & yours well allways in ye Lord, in whom I rest.

  29. Well,’ said Lord Mark, ‘I allways am unlucky at play.

  30. A stick,’ said I ‘kept allways moist becomes rotten.

  31. Maxwell[130] said he was allways affraid (sic) of a clever man till he knew if he had good nature.

  32. The devil himself, with all hiz genius, allways travels under an alias--this shows the power of truth and morality.

  33. He who demands respekt almost allways deserves it.

  34. And a true note of the true church, that it hath bin allways persecuted, and the false the persecutor.

  35. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "allways" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.