At once the riding became easier, for the moment a gust of wind hit the machine on one side, the elevators and ailerons shifted and counteracted its uneven effect.
Just a little upthrust of the tail-elevators and ailerons brought them again into the horizontal in a huge swoop.
To the surprise of even two such veteran flyers as John Ross and Tom Meeks, the airplane had gone less than fifty yards when she began to rise as gracefully as a swallow in response to her up-turned ailerons and elevators.
In this fashion they ran for fifteen or twenty miles on a perfectly even keel, the apparatus automatically working the elevators and ailerons of the craft as various wind currents tended to disturb its equilibrium.
He pulled the control wires and made the ailerons swing up and down, which always raised a laugh among the crowds.
Then Tom threw the elevators and ailerons hard up, and held them there.
This produces a greater suction in the right-hand side of the mercury tube, which draws the mercury up on that side and down on the other, until the proper electrical contact is broken and the ailerons are returned to neutral position.
Then he straightened out the ailerons and elevators, and began to run on a level keel.
These ailerons are operated, through the medium of wires, by the same hand-lever which governs the movement of the elevator.
In making these first turns a pupil finds that, apart from his action with the rudder-bar, it is necessary to employ the ailerons slightly, so as to prevent the biplane from tilting sideways.
The ailerons and elevator should be rigged so that, when the aeroplane is in flight, they are in a fair true line with the surface in front and to which they are hinged.
The plane must be banked with ailerons before the rudder will have any turning effect.
To resume straight flight, I simply applied left aileron and left rudder: and when the wings were level again, I neutralized the ailerons and applied a normal amount of right rudder.
Then did likewise with her ailerons as the proper bank was reached.
Well, after I had banked her sufficiently, I checked the wings with the ailerons and at the same time eased the pressure on the rudder.
Farman lines, but with different shaped ailerons and corners of the leading edge rounded.
In all 1913 biplanes theailerons are inter-connected.
But the movements of the ailerons and the rudder indicated that someone was in the cockpit and Tim wondered what kind of a joke Ralph was trying to play on him.
You young fellows think of flying as a development since the war, but I started flying back in 1912 in the days before we had ailerons on the wing tips and used to warp the wings of our planes to control them.
The main control wire to the ailerons on the left wing had parted and was dangling from the wing.
Next, she checked her wing with the ailerons and eased her rudder pressure.
Up came the nose, slowly but surely and with her ailerons functioning once more, Dorothy gained control and sent the plane into a normal glide.
If operating wires are attached to the aviator's belt and from thence connected with ailerons or wing-warping devices, then by a proper proportioning of levers and surfaces to the probable swaying of the man, the control may become automatic.
He then cut off the motor and operated the ailerons at the sides of the planes, which caused the machine to turn over sideways in a semicircle, and thus bring it back to a natural position.
The boy firmly pursed his lips, operated the ailerons by means of the control lever, and, next instant, the plane was speeding downward.
Two rudders and two ailerons are placed at the rear of the fuselage.
The ailerons are horizontal, connected with a control stick by means of wires, and, of course, tilt the plane either up or down.
When the desired bank was reached, he checked the wing with the ailerons and at the same time eased the pressure on the rudder.
With wings level once more, he neutralized the ailerons and applied a normal amount of right rudder to steady her.
Here, however, the atmosphere was much warmer, and the ailerons were again operating.
The sleet imbedded itself in the hinges of the ailerons and jammed them, so that for about an hour the machine had scarcely any lateral control.
The ailerons fluttered and the machine lurched like a mortally wounded bird, frantically trying to hold its place in the air.
He made the ailerons to shift at wing tip and thus to bank his machine in soaring, just as a bird lifts its wing tip.
Look at those ailerons he worked out on the wings!
A slight pressure on the stick to the right operated ailerons and the right wing dropped to form a right bank that drifted the ship in a wide, lazy circle.
All purely Curtiss machines to that date had independent ailerons intended to get away from Wright patents.
This developed, 1912, into the square-ended planes and upper tail, and long double-acting aileronsof the British Military Trials.
In 1909 came the machine with four-wheeled chassis and ailerons and later an improved edition which reverted to the central skid idea.
Illustration: Note: Observe that the inclination of the ailerons to the surface is the same in each case.
He had no ailerons nor wing-warping mechanism, but for lateral balance depended on the dihedral angle of the wings and upon suitable movements of his weight or of the vertical rudder.
Constant warping, such as is necessary in the everyday use of machines, has been declared to strain a plane and render it weak; therefore the use of ailerons is now favoured.
Wires ran from the rod to the ailerons; and if the pilot leaned over, say, to the right, he drew down the ailerons on the left side of the machine.
Maurice Farman used, in addition to ailerons, two side curtains or panels, as the Voisins had done; but these he afterwards abandoned, retaining ailerons alone.
Instead of using ailerons or wing-warping, he arranged his two elevating-planes so that they would move up and down independently of each other.
When the lever is moved from side to side it works not only the ailerons and the independent elevators, but also through a peculiar arrangement, the vertical rear rudder as well.
The ribs in the main planes are made of strips of silver spruce one-half by one-half inch, while those in the ailerons are solid and one-fourth inch thick.
The lever is universally jointed and when moved fore and aft operates the two ailerons as if they were one; when the shaft is rotated it moves the tail as a whole.
Dave worked the ailerons to counteract the leaning of the machine.
You see, the ailerons never leave their sections and in the planes not a wire is changed.
The elevator and the ailerons are worked with a single lever, colloquially called the "joy-stick," and the rudder with a bar which the pilot operates with his feet.
There are two ailerons on every wing, one on each side at the rear, and they may be raised or drawn down by the action of a lever operated by the pilot.
Now the wings and fuselage of our airplane are ready, and the rudder, the elevating surfaces and the ailerons are in course of production.
I kept this up through a variety of speed ranges, watching the aileronsclosely all the time.
I wanted to find out first of all if the ailerons had any tendency to flutter under a high angle of attack condition.
Then I began horsing on the stick to see if anything unusual happened to the ailerons when I introduced the high angle of attack condition that way.
Ailerons are set into the rear outer tips of the main planes, for the control of the side-to-side balance, and these are worked by foot pedals.
The side-to-side balance was maintained in the early Curtiss machines by flexible wing tips, but these later were replaced by ailerons placed between and at the outer tips of the main planes.
For instance, if the machine were to tip to the right he would move the lever to the left, pulling down the hinged ailerons on the right.
The side-to-side balance was maintained by ailerons in the form of wing tips set at the outer rear edges of the main planes.
On the outer rear edge of the upper main plane areailerons for maintaining the balance, which are operated by foot pedals.
The balance in this machine is preserved by large hinged ailerons at the outer rear edges of the main plane.
In some later Curtiss biplanes these ailerons were replaced by others, like flaps attached to the rear outer edges of the main planes.
The aerodrome did not have any device for keeping it on an even keel, such as the ailerons we know to-day, or the wing-warping system of the Wright machine.
In this the ailerons are used as previously described, but also there are side curtains enclosing the outer edges of the main planes.
The tail and propeller control are similar--rudder and elevators; but I'll have to remember the turn is made without ailerons to bank.
From her landing-skids to the farthest tip of her ailerons she seemed alive, instinct with conscious and eager intelligence.
The chassis needs truing up, the equilibrator has sagged out of plumb, and the ailerons have got to be readjusted, but it's only a matter of a few days at the outside before she'll be in shape.
With the engine throttled down the pilot taxied cautiously for a short distance, then increasing speed and tilting the ailerons he started to climb.
Tilting theailerons the pilot swooped down towards the unwieldy, tethered gas-bag.
Keenly on the alert the flight-sub depressed the ailerons with a quick yet decided movement.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ailerons" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.