The aging face was turned in the direction of the son who meant so much to her.
For all the agingsince her husband's death, she was still a handsome woman in her simple morning gown of a bygone fashion.
Others again bloated and aging long before the years asserted their claims, and still others, fresh with all the beauty of extreme youth and a life only at the beginning of the downward course.
And while he drew on his special, featherweight gloves, he reminded himself that, if he was aging prematurely, it was nobody's fault but his own.
After almost two and a half centuries of non-communication, the men of the infant planet had returned to the aid of the aging planet.
The intriguing thing is in the witchery, smoke 'n mirrors world of Obeah, toenails are prized much like the greying Information Age values organ transplants for an aging population.
Those were aging months for Maurice; and though, of course, the poignancy of shame lessened after a while, it left its imprint on his face, as well as on his mind.
Henry Houghton, too, saw the aging heaviness of the young face when, having received the report of that interview with Lily, he came down to Mercer to go over the whole affair and see what must be done.
Light is a strong factor on the proper aging of flour for baking purposes.
Occasionally moving flour helps to age it; if it is turned over once a week, or preferably more often, the aging process is hastened.
The aging process is checked by the cold and the flour remains as it was when first put in storage.
This aerating not only assists in aging but has added value of giving it greater water absorbing power, thus having the flour in much better condition for bread-making process.
During the aging of flour there is a slight loss of moisture, which is utilized in two ways: 1.
She had noticed that he was thinner, but to-night she saw the waste andaging which had consumed him.
Mrs. Farnshaw was to have threshers to cook for to-day, and Elizabeth had grown thoughtful of the mother, who was aging visibly.
I got back once again to the solid realities of farm life, and the majesty of the colorful sunsets which ended many of our days could not conceal from me the starved lives and lonely days of my little sister and my aging mother.
As for myself, the desire to see my aging parents safely sheltered beneath the benignant branches of those sturdy trees would have made me content even with a log cabin.
In the midst of our growing security and expanding acquaintanceship, my brother and I often returned to the problem of our aging parents.
A son of ABD AL-AZIZ rules the country today, and the country's Basic Law stipulates that the throne shall remain in the hands of the aging sons and grandsons of the kingdom's founder.
Budgetary problems hamper reform of the health and pension systems of an aging population.
Germany's aging population, combined with high unemployment, has pushed social security outlays to a level exceeding contributions from workers.
Japan's huge government debt, which totals more than 160% of GDP, and the aging of the population are two major long-run problems.
Yes, the biggest driver of our long-term debt is the rising cost of health care for an aging population.
America's energy sector is just one part of an aging infrastructure badly in need of repair.
There can be no doubt that milk which has been heated twice must have lost more of its antiscorbutic properties than milk which has been heated but once, and that aging also must contribute to this loss.
The antiscorbutic status of milk heated to various heights of temperature and subjected to various degrees of aging furnishes problems of great practical importance.
In New York city most of the better-grade milk is pasteurized at the farm, so that it is subjected to a longer period of aging than the poorer grade, which is not pasteurized until it reaches the city.
Aging has the least effect when the food with which the vitamine is associated has been dried.
The difference in the two processes consists mainly in the amount of handling during the process of heating and the subsequent aging which the milk undergoes.
The reason: Augusta, who influences her aging consort, and conspires with Victoria (the Crown Princess).
Unfortunately for the Crown Prince and Princess, Bismarck's position had been even more radically transformed by the war, and the Minister's domination over his already aging sovereign grew more and more obvious.
Thus it would seem desirable to reduce the equilibration time to a minimum commensurate with good freezability in order to reduce the effects of aging (at 5 deg.
Data from a number of sources indicate that a drop of approximately 5 percent in fertility in the field occurs with each 24 hours of aging in the test tube.
A long equilibration time results in agingthe sperm.
Since aging in vitro is known to reduce the fertilizing ability of sperm, every effort should be made to keep the processing time at a minimum.
The soft, dull air lulled their nerves while it buffeted their faces, and the sun, that looked through veils of mist and smoke, gently warmed their aging frames and found itself again in their hearts.
In the good fellowship of that cordial neighborhood we had two such days as the aging sun no longer shines on in his round.
With the inertness that grows upon an aging man he had been used to delegating more and more things, but of that thing I perceived that he would not delegate the least detail.
To a woman of her character garrison life was no longer tolerable to Mrs. Pelham; the colonel, too, was getting tired of it, was aging rapidly and no longer able to take his morning gallops.
Her life was silenced in every way, and, as often happens with aging wives in country towns, she seldom went out of her own door, and never appeared at the social or public solemnities of the village.
By aging I mean not so much the number of years one has lived as the amount of hardening and degeneration of the body that take place.
Result: Hardening, which means loss of elasticity and aging of the body.
Starch is surely the chief offender in aging people.
Aging of the body results in deterioration of the mind.
Another cause of premature agingis the drinking of very hard water.
Overeating also causes premature aging because if results in fermentation in the alimentary tract.
Such feeding results in discomfort and disease, and unless it is changed, in premature aging and death.
He was an aging man, near sixty, huge and fair, with a crisp beard, and the bright unequal eyes of Manuel of Poictesme.
He had procured for himself a viol and a long falchion, and had somewhere got suitable clothes for the Queen; and in their aging but decent garb the two approached near enough to the appearance of what they desired to be thought.
I am almost twice her age, an aging fellow now, battered and selfish and too indolent to love her--say, as Gwyllem loved her.
And, look you, my Princess, I am of aging person now.
I will have a hundred there; and certain aging scores will then be settled in that place.
We have a steadily aging population and, as a result, the biggest single increase in the Federal budget is the rising cost of retirement programs, particularly social security.
With the 1981 White House Conference on Aging approaching, I hope the new Administration will make every effort to assure an effective and useful conference.
If after years of desperate strife, conscious of failing health, the aging fighter had been sedulous to win goodwill, it would have been small harm; but he was genial out of the very warmth of heart that had made him a fighter.
Mr Adams had been a valued friend as well as a trusted agent, and his death came as another of the thickening blows of fate upon the rapidly aging man.
The crowding of habitable land area and theaging of the population are two major long-run problems.
The crowding of habitable land area and the aging of the population are two other major long-run problems.
Long-term problems include inadequate investment in economic infrastructure, rapidly rising medical costs of an aging population, sizable trade deficits, and stagnation of family income in the lower economic groups.