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Example sentences for "agit"

Lexicographically close words:
aging; aginst; agint; agio; agir; agitans; agitate; agitated; agitatedly; agitates
  1. Nil agit exemplum litem quod lite resolvit=--An illustration which solves one difficulty by involving us in another settles nothing.

  2. Le bon sens vulgaire est un mauvais juge quand il s'agit des grandes choses=--Good common-sense is a bad judge when it is a question of high matters.

  3. Ingratus est qui remotis testibus agit gratiam=--He is an ungrateful man who is unwilling to acknowledge his obligation before others.

  4. But He acts in them precisely according to what they are and what He finds them to be (agit in illis taliter, quales illi sunt, et quales invenit).

  5. The former Realism and Nominalism were lifted into a higher phase by the principle of the universalizing action of intellect--Intellectus in formis agit universalitatem.

  6. The scholastic view that final causality pervades all things is expressed in the aphorism, Omne agens agit propter finem: Every agency acts for an end.

  7. The former connotes a perfection, the latter an imperfection: unumquodque agit inquantum est in actu, patitur vero inquantum, est in potentia.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "agit" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.