Had the Republicans wanted their AG candidate elected in 1990, Gov.
That morning the deputy AG offered another plea agreement: If she would plead guilty to manslaughter, she would be sentenced to three years, which was how long she'd been in maximum security by then.
I didn't know about that in late 1989 when the Delaware Libertarian Party asked me to be its AG candidate, and I'd already agreed before I found out.
Two years later AG Wier ran for re-election, and that's where Craven's book ended.
Smith, is on a business trip, selling shares of our mine, which we have called "The Treasury" from reasons which we can make obvious to any investor.
Mr. Hotel-man out there (who's a gentleman of the old school if ever there lived one) told me that you might put me on to a good thing.
He done made me come a fast heat from de cohner,' says the barber.
There was no assurance, however, that a move to integration was imminent when Granger returned from his final inspection trip for Secretary Forrestal in October 1945.
Nor could soldiers be restricted to certain sections of government vehicles on or off base, regardless of local customs.
In light of this fact," Lautier charged, "the blame for the comparatively high rate of crime among black soldiers belongs to the American educational system.
That is what this resolution purports to recommend.
In the weeks preceding the election the President tried to soften the effect of the Army's announcement.
He did not require local commanders to recommend changes in War Department policy on the treatment of Negroes and the organization and employment of black units.
Nor did he require them to report on steps taken by them to follow the committee's recommendations.
Joined to the Infinitive of Verbs: ag imeachd, a-walking, walking.
Is mortsaothair sin re sgriobhadh do laimh, ag fechain an neithe buailtear sa chló araibrisge agas ar aithghiorra bhios gach én ni dhá mhed da chriochnughadh leis.
I am striking; bha mi ag bualadh an dé, I was striking yesterday.
From these particulars it may be inferred that the preposition ag must always precede the infinitive, in order to complete the phrase which corresponds to the English or Latin pres.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ag" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.