Nor did any state, from the Baltic to the Mediterranean, present even such slight evidences of stability as a high-flying adventuressmight found her plans upon.
So when (with many blushes, and in shy stammering words, I doubt not) he offered the adventuress his hand and heart and fortune, she was able without any natural repugnance to consent to be his wife.
The dauntless adventuress was a factor that had to be reckoned with.
We who know in what spirit the adventuress ended her career, and to what strange impulses she was subject, may hesitate to dismiss her momentary attraction to the cloister as a mere advertising manoeuvre.
Of this great Magyar our adventuress saw little, for he was confined to his cabin during the greater part of the voyage with seasickness; what she did see she seems to have liked little.
He was greatly exasperated at the tenacity of this adventuress who, in addition to the tragic influence she had already exercised upon his life, was now trying to compromise him still further.
And yet, when the coach had passed on without his being able to get a glimpse of the face of the stranger, the image of the adventuress persisted in his mind.
To be told, by the father of whose dear existence one had only learned within the hour, that one was the child of a notorious thief and an adventuress .
What the Lone Wolf was in his day, your mother was in hers--the most brilliant adventuress Europe ever knew.
I found in it this sentence: 'For years I tried to make a friend of that girl; but I warn you once more that she has the nature of a heartless adventuress .
Then he pondered on what he had heard about Felicitas, and hoped that she was not playing the adventuress in Berlin.
She looked back and saw herself from earliest childhood, a burden to unknown relations, parentless and homeless: an adventuress through circumstance on the look-out for lucky chances.
It was years ago, when she was but a little chit with money and little reputation--the prettiest adventuress in the swim.
Perhaps he treated it lightly, believing that he was safe from the hands of the adventuress he had spurned, but he fell at last by her command.
But she is a quiet, self-reliant little person, and not at all of theadventuress type.
Instead, she lied on, shamelessly, desperately, like an ordinary adventuress on the verge of discovery.
I gave way in the matter; I even agreed to guarantee a sum of money, raised by an older friend, adventuress number one, for my beloved wife had hit on the idea of selling me her favour.
At the same time valuable pieces of furniture disappeared from our house, and were carted to adventuress No.
This was the adventuress who had married Van Tromp some two years before.
Then the scandal of a Countess-adventuress becoming a Van Tromp--head of that family, too!
It is little wonder, then, that Mrs. Winslow found Rochester a profitable field for operating in her peculiar double capacity of a dashing adventuress and a trance medium.
And returns to New York convinced that the Spiritualistic Adventuress is a Woman of remarkable Ability.
Then with a resolute toss of her head the adventuressplumped into her bed, where, for aught we know, she carried on her vile conquests and miserable villainies in her dreams the whole night long.
Why, when one thinks of it calmly, should he want to marry me, a penniless adventuress with green eyes and red hair that he had never seen before in his life?
Well, even when I am really an adventuress I sha'n't be like that.
Of what use, after all, for anadventuress like me to have sensitive feelings.
But the little girl was thinking of certain effects which she would have made, and which the actress who had played the adventuress had failed to make.
And I remember when Ford refused to cast her for theadventuress in Divorce.
The Jap stuff is worth a bit of money, and if the lady is keen for such things and not a mere adventuress she may take it into her head one of these days to come over and inspect the loot.
Never mind, though; I'd like to see an adventuress marry off Harold without my leave!
What I'm always afraid of is that some fascinating adventuress will try to marry him out of hand.
Is it likely that even our dear and impulsive Cicely, would hand Baba over to the care of your adventuress type of woman?
The adventuress appealed to me, but nice quiet girls--no, thank you, Rupert!
You have nothing of theadventuress in your composition, but you are a young woman, with personal charms and talents, and life will be unutterably desolate for you if you make a recluse of yourself.
An unhappy wife or an ambitious adventuressmight mar your future, and leave you with lowered ideals and blasted prospects.
What did that adventuress out of a New England schoolroom want of me now, when I'd washed my hands of her and her affairs?
And so the next girl who dares to have ambitions, and dares to scorn the rĂ´le of adventuress that society allots to her, will have the harder fate because of my attempt.
For when Leslie finds that Vera will not live with him, and when Mr. Gilmore's lawyers prove her to be the adventuress and impostor that she is, he will return to me, and I shall be his wife again.
I believe she is a clever adventuress whom Lawrence Campbell has foisted on the world as his heiress.
Think of yourself penniless, friendless, branded all over England as an adventuressand impostor.
The field was thus left open for the operations of this scheming adventuress and siren.
Emily Lawrence, a dashing adventuress and adroit, daring thief, had few equals.
There was at Lyons an American adventuress and wholesale thief who, having enriched herself by robbery in the United States, crossed to Europe and continued her depredations until arrested in Paris.