I adjudge him to die on the gallows tree; Flung to the hounds let his carcase be, The doom of treason and felony.
Thierry hath dared to adjudge the cause; He lieth.
And so, not Monk and Pope, but God in his wisdom, adjudge between us!
And ye prelates and peers, milites and ministers, proceed to adjudge the living!
The Star Chamber, Chancellor, King's Bench and King and council have the power to examine all defendants, by oath or otherwise, to adjudge them convicted or attainted.
In his words, "When an Act of Parliament is against common right and reason, the common law will control it and adjudge such Act to be void.
Around the field were rows of benches where the spectators might sit, and richly-adorned seats for the lords and ladies who were to adjudge the combat and award the prize of skill and valor.
A jury was impanelled to adjudge the proportion due to the sovereign; and this course was not essentially varied, even after the right of granting aids to the crown was fully acknowledged to be vested in the parliament of the realm.
For what judge in a private cause ever acted in this way, so as to adjudge to himself the property in dispute?
Unfair decision of the Roman people, who being chosen arbitrators between the people of Ardea and Aricia concerning some disputed lands, adjudge them to themselves.
To condemn; to declare guilty; to doom; to adjudge to punishment; to sentence; to censhure.
To charge, attribute, or adjudge to one, as having a certain quality or value.
So impressed were the examiners by her knowledge and eloquence that they did not hesitate to adjudge her worthy of the coveted degree, which was accorded her by virtue of a royal edict.
After we have made our own right secure, we adjudge him to his deserts.
Tis not for us to adjudge the displeasure of Heaven upon slight testimonies.
This doom I dare adjudge and to pronounce, because we are royal and God's satraps, you and I.
The Commons had clearly stepped out of their jurisdiction toadjudge a man who was no member of their House, and Floyd instantly appealed to the king against the proceeding.
They were desirous to adjudgeit treason, but this Northumberland himself overruled.
The next day Glaucus was to be condemned; yet there lived one who could save him, and adjudge Arbaces to his doom, and that one breathed within a few steps of her hiding-place!
Yes; they say the crime is of so extraordinary a nature that the senate itself must adjudge it; and so the lictors are to induct him formally.
Diomed, with a slight shudder: 'can they adjudge him to the beasts?
In such proceedings the court shall determine and adjudge the value of such leasehold or other interest in such real property, and enter judgment for the State for the amount thereof together with costs.
In such proceedings the court shall determine and adjudge the value of such leasehold, or other interest in such real property, and enter judgment for the State for the amount thereof together with costs.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "adjudge" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.