THE Institutions of the latter Sort were after a while thought too weak to continue, if not sustained by Religion and Piety; and too defective without adjoyning Ecclesiastical Persons thereunto.
Both these Lords have built Appartments adjoyningfor their Chantry Priests, now to be seen and distinguish’d by their Arms, garter’d and cut in Stone over their several Doors.
Commission for planting of Kirks, concerning the adjoyning some lands to the Parish of Monswall.
Act adjoyning some Kirks in the Iles of Coill and Tyrie, to the Provincial of Kilmoire.
Commission of Parliament for planting of Kirks the adjoyning Sutherland, Sutherlandhall, &c.
I'll confirm thy Farm, and add unto it a hundred Acres more, adjoyning to it.
Ile confirme thy farme, And add unto't an hundred acres moreAdjoyning to it.
The first of these was The Lord Baltemore’s case concerning the Province of Maryland, adjoyningto Virginia in America with full and clear answers to all material objections touching his Rights, jurisdiction, and Proceedings there, etc.
That during his life they were not altogether dumb, is deduceable from Suetonius in the life of Tiberius, who attempting to subvert the Oracles adjoyning unto Rome, was deterred by the Lots or chances which were delivered at Preneste.
Richard Hawkins, and are to | be sold at his Shop in Chancery-lane, adjoyning | to Sarjeants Inne gate.
When they are to tread their Corn they choose a convenient adjoyning place.
His Palace stands adjoyning to a great Hill, which was before mentioned; near unto that part of the Hill next abutting upon his Court none dares presume to set his foot: that being for his safeguard to fly unto in time of need.
The soil of Christian Malford, a parish adjoyning to Sutton, is very rich, and underneath is gravell in many parts.
WE have great plenty of larkes, and very good ones, especially in Golem-fields and those parts adjoyning to Coteswold.
Within a few days "Thomas Percy hired a howse at Westminster," says Fawkes in his subsequent Confession, "neare adjoyning Parlt.
So meete two bulls upon adjoyning hills Of rocky Charnwood, while their murmur fills The hollow crags, when striving for their bounds, They wash their piercing homes in mutuall wounds.
The Nobles in like manner, and Princes of the Blood Royal every one according to his degree exercise these Masques and Dances, in some place adjoyning to the House where their King and Lord is detained Prisoner.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "adjoyning" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.