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Example sentences for "your ladyship"

  • Your ladyship's wishes are orders to me," said John, gaily kissing his hand as he left the room.

  • I once thought of your ladyship as a wife for Derwent--" A glass of water was necessary to enable the reader to clear her voice, which grew husky from speaking so long.

  • I regret that Sir Timo, and Sir Harry, and Captain Jarvis, are not here this morning to pay their respects to your ladyship; but as we shall see naturally a good deal of each other, it must be deferred to a more fitting opportunity.

  • But though neither my thoughts nor temperament are Jovial or Mercurial, it becomes me to be grateful to Heaven for the good He has sent me by the means of your ladyship.

  • Yet, ridiculous as it is, I send it your ladyship, because I had rather you should laugh at me than be angry.

  • Your ladyship's good sense and good heart make it unnecessary for me to say more.

  • It must be your ladyship's part to prepare this; which I hope will be the means of putting an end to these unhappy differences.

  • I am only very grateful to your ladyship--that is all.

  • Your ladyship is quite right," he answered.

  • I won't be turned out of your ladyship's house in the presence of that impostor," she said.

  • It was not my confidence in your ladyship that was deficient; but I thought the former good correspondence between your ladyship and Mr. Mirabell might have hindered his communicating this secret.

  • Lord, madam, your ladyship is so impatient.

  • Your ladyship's own wisdom has been deluded by him; then how should I, a poor ignorant, defend myself?

  • But, madam, the verger waits to close the gates on your ladyship.

  • These articles are only dangerous when worn by your ladyship," the Captain said, with a low bow, and a mock grin of politeness.

  • Indeed, I would stay for ever, if your ladyship bade me," he said.

  • And as the clergyman read the service on Sunday,' he added, 'your ladyship reminded me of the angel that visited the pool.

  • If your ladyship or his lordship, my excellent good friend and patron, were to take it .

  • Above twenty years, your ladyship, on the next feast of St. Jerome.

  • I beg of your ladyship not to read it," said Captain Walsingham, in an earnest tone.

  • I shall pay my respects to your ladyship again as soon as possible.

  • With the firm tone of conscious innocence, she repeated, "I do wish to speak to your ladyship, if you will hear me with your usual candour; I do not expect or solicit your usual indulgence.

  • Am I to understand that he complains to your ladyship of any thing wrong on mine?

  • Now, your ladyship is a saint, because you have a sweet and holy nature, in the first place; and have people to do your anger and vexation for you, in the second place.

  • Why, the village keeps me busy, your ladyship, when I have neither knitting or sewing to do.

  • It is a sad story, your ladyship," said I, after a while.

  • But I'm sure I don't know how the world would get on without scolding, your ladyship.

  • And he left a note for your ladyship with me, your ladyship.

  • Your Ladyship has us'd him ill of late; yet if your Ladyship please, I'll call him back.

  • Refuse me not that privilege, and permit me to retire, with thanks to your Ladyship for so encouraging a reception.

  • Horace Walpole is crossing the Channel and will give this to your Ladyship's hand.

  • Though I were equal to your ladyship, where would be the pleasure to me?

  • It almost makes me cool to look at your ladyship.

  • There is in this establishment, your ladyship, a young woman-- LADY MARY.

  • I happen to know, your ladyship, that Simmons desires to give notice for the same reason as Fisher.

  • Your ladyship knows I never trouble my head about royalties, farther than it affects my interest.

  • Yes, I have two complaints to make, one of your ladyship, the other of myself.

  • You see how just I am, and ready to make amende honorable to your ladyship.

  • I have the honour to remain, Madam, Your Ladyship's Obedient faithful Servant, JOHN CARR.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "your ladyship" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    cannot tell you how; church bells; les premiers; promoted over the trees; runaway slaves; silly little; talk about; your brother; your children; your country; your eyes; your face; your family; your friend; your grandfather; your hands; your life; your love; your mind; your name; your part; your people; your readers; your right; your time; your way