The French king offered vpon the toome of the said archbishop Thomas, a rich cup of gold; and gaue to the moonks there an hundred tuns of wine to be receiued yearelie of his gift for euer at Poissie in France.
The Irishmen also paied to the king a tribute of twelue pence yearelie for euerie house, or else for euery yoke of oxen which they had of their owne.
To the king his sonne, he gaue two castels in Normandie, with an increase of yearelie reuenues, to the summe of 15.
Moreouer, the said earle condescended & agreed to give yearelie for Tholouze an hundred marks, or else 10.
This legat among other things demanded soone after the tenth part of all spirituall mens yearelie reuenues, towards the maintenance of the wars against the Saracens in Asia.
For they vsed yearelie (if they could come by their preie) to crucifie one christian child or other.
Item the said Senena vndertaketh for the said Griffin and his heires, that the said Griffin and his heires shall yeeld and paie yearelie to the king for the same lands, the summe of three hundred markes.
He did homage to the king (as authors write) and at his departure had in reward fiue hundred marks, and a pension assured him of as much yearelie out of the escheker of the kings free gift.
Which yearelie tribute the French king (afterwards continuallie occupied in the wars of Italie) yearelie satisfied & paid so long as K.
It was also concluded that he should yearelie (for a certeine space) paie or cause to be paid, for the monie that the K.
The prince gaue to the lord Iames Audelie (who had receiued in the battell manie sore wounds) fiue hundred marks of yearelie reuenues assigned foorth of his lands in England.
Amongst other came the lord Robert of Namur, and was reteined with the king as his seruant, the king giuing him three hundred pounds sterling of yeareliepension out of his coffers to be paid at Bruges.
For as Equites Romani were chosen Ex censu, that is, according to their substance and riches; so be knights in England most commonlie according to their yearelie reuenues or aboundance of riches, wherewith to mainteine their estates.
There is one Howell a gentleman of Flintshire in the compasse of this iurisdiction, who is bound to giue an harpe of silueryearelie to the best harper in Wales, but did anie bishop thinke you deserue that in the popish time?
For if you obserue what numbers of preachers Cambridge and Oxford doo yearelie send foorth; and how manie new compositions are made in the court of first fruits, by the deaths of the last incumbents: you shall soone see a difference.
Yeomen are those, which by our law are called Legales homines, free men borne English, and may dispend of their owne free land in yearelie reuenue, to the summe of fortie shillings sterling, or six pounds as monie goeth in our times.
These persons had giuen to them great gifts, beside yearelie pensions.
By reason whereof, the king had yearelie of him notable summes of monie for his customes, beside other pleasures that he had shewed vnto the king before times.
It was first accorded, that the French king should paie to the king of England without delaie seauentie & fiue thousand crownes of the sunne; and yearelie fiftie thousand crownes to be paid at London during king Edwards life.
Wherefore to buie peace, he granted king Edward for a yearelie tribute fiftie thousand crownes, to be paied at London; which, accounting a crowne at foure shillings, amounteth to ten thousand pounds.
Out of the number of these, there is another officer yearelie chosen and appointed, [Sidenote: The Maior.
Geffrey archbishop of Yorke offered to the king thrée thousand markes aforehand, onelie for the countie of Yorke, and an hundred markes yearelie of increase, and so had the same committed to his regiment.
Romans, Cassibellane in the end was forced to fall to a composition, in couenanting to paie a yearelie tribute of thrée thousand pounds.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "yearelie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.