Nought thee helps thy hornes to hide Farre from hence in vnknowne grounds, That thy waters wander wide, Yearely breaking bankes, and bounds.
Now thou must begin to sende Tribute of thy watrie store, As Sea pathes thy stepps shall bende, Yearely presents more and more.
Land I bought of Sir John Clopton in the mannor of Clopton, of the yearely value of £10.
Sixtly 4 yard land lying in Stratford and Bishopton fields which I bought of Mr. Bagley, and a house called the New Place, situated in the Towne of Stratford upon Avon, of the yearely value about fyfty fyve pounds .
To that I aunswer, that we are wel contented wyth that aduyse: for not wythout cause and iust reason our predecessours dyd abolyshe the fyrst kynges of Rome, and ordayned, that the Consuls should yearely be chosen in the Common wealthe.
That yearely once in the yeare for ever hereafter, namely, the last Wednesday in Easter tearme yearely, the Governor, Deputy Governor, and Assistants .
It is ordered that for the stock of Corne to be provided yearely by this house every one of the Assistantꝭ of the Liverye shall lend xl{s.
What Number of People doe yearely dye within the said Collonyes and Plantations both Whites, and Blacks.
What Number of English, Scotch, or Irish doe yearely come, and what Blacks, or Slaves, are brought unto them.
What Number of Shipps doe Yearely Trade to and from the said Collonyes and Plantations, and of what Burthen they are.
Florins, being assured that it cannot be so commodious, as my Money is able to bring yearely Gayne into my Purse.
Other smaller welles were many neare vnto Clarkes well, namely Skinners well, so called for that the Skinners of London held there certaine playes yearely playd of holy Scripture, &c.
Yielding and paying for every fiftie acres of land herein by these presents given and graunted yearely at the feast of St. Michaell the Archangell [September 29], the fee rent of one shilling to his Majties.
Others for magnificence at the natiuities of Princes children, or by custome vsed yearely vpon the same dayes, are called songs natall or Genethliaca.
And yt Good-Friday is one constant day for a yearely generall meetinge of witches.
Assuredly they were cruell butchers, and slewe yearely for that bloudy sacrifice many menne, and some children, but not so many as was reported.
The Tenantes doe paye monethly oryearely as they can agrée, and bycause their tribute is greate, they are called slaues, for when they maye haue licence to eate egges, they thinke it a greate fauour.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "yearely" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.