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Example sentences for "worthy friend"

  • Well, I have chosen you for a member, my worthy friend.

  • If on 'change it is known that you, my worthy friend, have bought a thousand shares, a hundred small speculators will immediately invest in shares.

  • My worthy friend, I shall not make any preamble.

  • So that if my quill display no other properties of its mother-goose than her mutability, truly I shall be well pleased; and I conceive that you, my worthy friend, will have no occasion for discontent.

  • Then, turning to the company, he proposed the 'Health of Captain Waverley, a worthy friend of his kind neighbour and ally, the Baron of Bradwardine.

  • The age of miracles is past, my worthy friend,' replied Cargrim, in conciliatory tones.

  • A little civility in the first place, my worthy friend,' said Cargrim, in silky tones, for he did not relish the insolent tone of the satirical scamp.

  • The Pavement also of the Cloister on the same Side was broken, and the Stones taken away, a Floor of Dust remaining: But that Side is now handsomly paved by the Beneficence of my worthy Friend William Burleigh, Esq.

  • We are now growing anxious about our worthy friend J.

  • I am very ready to undertake any matter, which may be necessary or instrumental towards peace, especially in connexion with my worthy friend Mr Townshend.

  • As for the scalps, I think you were right enough, my worthy friend; but as for the armament and the stores, they would have been condemned by any prize-court in Christendom.

  • The girl is a good girl, my worthy friend; but she is a soldier's daughter and a sailor's niece, and ought not to be too tame or too tender in a gale.

  • No, no, my worthy friend, a soldier should be a soldier, and at no time ought he to be ashamed or afraid to carry about him the signs and symbols of his honorable trade.

  • Mabel did not run away, my worthy friend, did she?

  • Why, bethink you, my worthy friend, that these are the very people we hope never to hear more of; that if by any mischance they could possibly be forthcoming, our whole scheme is blown up at once.

  • I mentioned a worthy friend of ours[665] whom we valued much, but observed that he was too ready to introduce religious discourse upon all occasions.

  • A worthy friend of ours[909] has told me, that he has often been afraid to talk to you.

  • I immediately went down to him, and found him to be the coachman of my worthy friend, Sir Roger de Coverley.

  • My worthy friend, Sir Roger, when we are talking of the malice of parties, very frequently tells us an accident that happened to him when he was a schoolboy, which was at a time when the feuds ran high between the Roundheads and Cavaliers.

  • I am indebted for them to the anxiety of a worthy friend; and I only ask that you will permit my friend to be also yours.

  • To my Worthy Friend Mr. Thomas Flatman, Upon the Publishing of his Poems.

  • My worthy friend, I would postpone the instruction you would give until a more convenient season; I have urgent business to attend, and must hasten its performance.

  • But, my worthy friend, we have been acquainted too long for you to fear my 'peaching aught concerning you or your doings.

  • Ah, Davis, my worthy friend, what a mistake it is to suppose that a man must live by his talents, while his real resource is his temperament.

  • It's clear enough, my worthy friend, that neither you nor I are rich men.

  • You had better take yourself off bodily, my worthy friend; there's no saying who might chance to come in upon us here.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "worthy friend" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    both coasts; brigade under; compound engine; fancy work; fifth century; for that; gymnastic exercises; heard mass; living being; male heir; material world; never occurs; obtained from; other industries; remained here; severe earthquakes; sexual perversions; since dead; this city; will explain; worthy father; worthy friend; worthy knight; worthy lord; written instrument