It has been well said that though men carry more of the wood, women carry not less of the worries of life.
A girl drowns herself because the worries of her home are intolerable.
Johnny forgot that he had problems to solve orworries that nagged at him incessantly.
Arriving late ain't whatworries a flyer--it's arriving too doggone unexpected.
Small wonder that Johnny's thoughts dwelt upon little worries that could have no possible bearing upon the big things he meant to do.
What irritated her most was the needlessness of half the petty worries which went to make up the dreary discomfort.
For a healthy mind acts towards smallworries as the skin does towards friction; it protects itself from pain by an excess of vitality.
Thank goodness my worries about finances are almost over!
Since I read her letter I have been asking myself that question, and the answer worries me, since I feel in a way responsible for having opened the gates before her untrained feet.
One would think that all the worries of the world lay on your young heart.
A word from her lips and your worries will vanish like a mist.
In her company his worries had almost disappeared, laughter had become a living thing, and youth a blessing.
I can't tell," he would say; "it worriesme out of my life.
It's heaps pleasanter than an afternoon walk when one has more of the worries and events of the day on one's mind.
But the result will be clear, unscarred skin, and no future chance of the wee worries coming back to bring heart-hurts and mental agony.
If you work hard and have the usual load of worries that half the women lug about with them as they do their powder rags and their purses, then you may never hope to revel in a vast amount of fat.
What worries me is that probably they know who we are now, and consequently we won't be safe no matter where we are.
Helen was watching from the window, her mind filled with worries and doubts.
Hugh, I can't make her out; it worries me and puzzles me and--and hurts me.
A little later my father's health began to fail in London, the worries and troubles of a clergyman's work among the poor creatures who were constantly passing under his care utterly overwhelming him.
The tang of the air, the young ice that makes every night, the fantastic midnight dances of the November auroras in the winter sky, all make one forget the petty worries of the daily round.
Captain, believe me when I say that a few little worries of this sort deprive me of none of the whole-hearted satisfaction which I feel at rendering this great service to my country.
Geradec, a charming man, whoseworries have made him very wise and submissive and who .
Sir Donald feels that past worriesare receding into waning retrospect.
At length there is a variation in daily worries at the Lanier room.
Try that sort of answer when your wife or your daughter next worries you with an awkward question at an awkward time, and depend on the natural sweetness of women for kissing and making it up again at the next opportunity.
The worries of the day had been a little too much for me, I suppose.
He felt the impulse to share his worries with some one, but he knew of no one.
You have no need of it and it worries me to have it lying about.
It ought not to matter to him, and yet the question worries him not a little.
She managed everything, almost fed and clothed him, and kept from him all those petty ills and worries which make life such a burden for most people.
We will go and walk in Richmond Park and forget all about the compact worries till we come back at tea-time.
The strain of writing, the increasing worries of editorship, and the attacks made upon him by writers politically opposed to him, were affecting Lever so much that he feared he would break down completely.
It is quite true, as you surmised; claims and demands of all sorts have been presented to me, and in my deeper and heavier cares there have mixed vexations and worries all the more bitter that to remedy them was no longer to build up a hope.
These are small worries, but they are worries in their way, and sometimes more than mere worries to a man like myself who takes a considerable time to settle down, and hates being disturbed afterwards.
It was, moreover, a consolation to pour into a sympathetic ear my worries about my growing unpopularity with the director.
On the other hand, I now began for the first time to experience the cares and worries of a lover's jealousy.
I am sorry to say, however, that my old worries and anxieties started afresh; I stood in great need of money, and had not the vaguest notion whither to go in search of it.
At the same time, my health and temper were settling down into a mood of almost unclouded serenity, which made me oblivious for a long time of all the worries of my position.
Being occupied all day and nearly all night upon business which brings me a heap of worries and next to no profit, I have no chance to look after my things.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "worries" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.