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Example sentences for "worldliness"

Lexicographically close words:
workyard; world; worlde; worldes; worldlie; worldling; worldlings; worldly; worlds; worldwide
  1. His use of it illustrates the way in which things that are steeped in worldliness may aid us in apprehending the things of God's kingdom.

  2. If any have entered Christ's Church who are content to continue in worldliness and sin, not seeking in Christ the grace which saves, that is solely their own personal sin, and in it they lie unto the Lord.

  3. This is established in the writings of the best--I mean, the most optimistic--thinkers.

  4. Without leaving our own country, are there not populations which live exclusively on maize, buckwheat, chestnuts?

  5. Say; whatever falls short of it must be regarded by the treasury as inviolable.

  6. The whole body advances, but the distance from head to tail grows ever longer; and it is a necessary effect of the movement that there should be some laggards and stragglers.

  7. The panelling of the room was fanatical and austere, yet the Duchess’s chaplain had cheerful cheeks and vivacious eyes, and bore himself with that easy-flowing worldliness that carries a clever priest into the intimate life of palaces.

  8. Like the villas of Pompeii, with its painted walls and ceilings, this salon enclosed sunny worldliness and picturesque realities.

  9. She looked at him helplessly, for her selfish worldliness had received a shock that night.

  10. My lord’s worldliness scoffed at the chance.

  11. Like the beasts that perish,' says one of the psalms, the men become who, by the acids and the files of worldliness and sensuality and passion, have so rubbed away the likeness of God that it is scarcely perceptible in them.

  12. As pride and worldliness have come in, vital godliness and power have gradually departed.

  13. Nor did she give up her worldliness when she took up oriental asceticism.

  14. And worldliness shall be destroyed, and the people shall know Jehovah as He is; because Satan said, The churches are mine.

  15. I am against thee and thy churches, and will utterly destroy worldliness from end to end.

  16. But the people who are hopelessly polluted with worldliness (miry places) and those impregnated beyond saving with miasmas of iniquity (marshes) shall not be healed even when "brought to an accurate knowledge of the truth.

  17. Worldliness it changes into heathenism, vice into blasphemy.

  18. The conception of a God gives an altogether new color to worldliness and vice.

  19. Hereupon a married life containeth far more temptations to worldliness or covetousness, than a single state doth.

  20. The strife no more produced the worldliness in Lot than it produced the faith in Abraham; it only manifested, in the case of each, what was really there.

  21. But to the latter it was an occasion for exhibiting the thorough worldliness of his heart.

  22. Thus they are taken off Christ and thrown on themselves, and then they either betake themselves to ordinances in order to keep up their tone of devotion, or else fall back into thorough worldliness and carnality.

  23. They will yield a rich harvest, when the early growths of ambition and worldliness have died down, and left you only the withered husks and stalks of remorse and regret to satisfy your hunger withal.

  24. Pollux felt that he could not bring his pride to submit to the degradation, or his worldliness to the loss.

  25. Both by his example and his active exertions, Jason, the unworthy successor of Aaron, sought to obliterate the distinction between Jew and Gentile, and bring all to one uniformity of worldliness and irreligion.

  26. I loathe my worldliness and guile Each time your red lips on me smile.

  27. And men could not choose but listen to the singer standing there, Till their worldliness slipped from them, and their selfishness and care.

  28. The one seemed to help the other, while no stain of worldliness marred the even flow of their words.

  29. I knew my own words were powerless to break the crust of worldliness and selfishness that bound her heart, but I hoped God's word might pierce it.

  30. That melting eye had inherited too much of the worldliness that played about the eager vision of her sire.

  31. But he was abashed by the--worldliness of Father Jansen's talk.

  32. Sidenote: Attacks on Immorality of Clergymen] What immorality and worldliness prevailed at Rome was reflected in the lives of many lesser churchmen.

  33. I have applied this against worldliness before, chap.

  34. If you betake yourselves to sleep with worldliness or vanity in your minds, you cannot expect to be wiser or better when you are asleep, than when you are awake.

  35. Worldliness is either predominant, and so a certain sign of death; or else mortified, and in a subdued degree, consistent with some saving grace.

  36. Understand how much of the root of worldliness consisteth in your worldly hopes.

  37. O beg of God a heavenly light, and a heavenly mind, and look often into the word of God, which tells thee where thou must be for ever; and worldliness will vanish away in shame.

  38. Look much on the life of Christ on earth, and see how strangely he condemneth worldliness by his example.

  39. It showeth that unbelief prevaileth at the heart so far as worldliness prevaileth: for if men did practically believe the heavenly glory, and the promise thereof, they would be carried above these present things.

  40. Worldliness makes the word unprofitable; and keepeth men from believing and repenting, and coming home to God, and minding seriously the everlasting world.

  41. It should be a grievous thing to your hearts to consider what worldliness and fleshliness this showeth to be yet there.

  42. What it is that is unlawful; and in what this sin of covetousness or worldliness doth consist.

  43. In every age religious souls have voiced this unearthliness of reality, the noble other-worldliness of the goals of the natural order.

  44. Indeed, we are being solemnly reminded today that the other-worldliness of religion, its concern with future, supertemporal things, is its characteristic and most precious contribution to the world.

  45. And we find that one lapse into worldliness undoes what years of self-restraint have won.

  46. There is something warm and genuine in his feelings and manner which is very attractive, and redeems him from the sin of worldliness with which he has been charged.

  47. Though worldliness and unbelief may continue to assail her, yet the Church is strong in that power which overcomes the world.

  48. In their Episcopal Address of 1867, the Bishops of the Methodist Episcopal Church South thus speak: "This is no time to abate our testimony against worldliness in all its forms.

  49. A clergyman, his worldliness and vanity and the indecency of his writings were a scandal to the Church, though his sermons were both witty and affecting.

  50. As Edwards represents the spirituality and other-worldliness of Puritanism, Franklin stands for the worldly and secular side of American character, and he illustrates the development of the New England Englishman into the modern Yankee.

  51. It imported into his immediate surroundings just what he himself lacked, and saved him from imputations of worldliness which in the altered temper of the Church might have proved inconvenient.

  52. If Sarpi's known opinions regarding the worldliness of Rome, ecclesiastical abuses, and Papal supremacy, constitute a Protestant, then he certainly was one.

  53. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "worldliness" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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