Who so will reason of any question of these, he hath nede with reason, and wittie consultacion to discourse, and to de- claime vpon thesame.
In finishing this enterprise, in all poinctes, policie, andwittie conuei- aunce wanted not.
Moreouer the place where the king tooke his rest was couered with white Couerlettes embroydered with deuises of very wittie and fine workemanship, and fringed round about with a Fringe dyed in the colour of Skarlet.
Thus from vndecent it came by a wittiereformation to be made decent againe.
The Logician vseth a definition to expresse the truth or nature of euery thing by his true kinde and difference, as to say wisedome is a prudent and wittie foresight and consideration of humane or worldly actions with their euentes.
Who hath no mercifull milde mistres, I will maintaine, hath no wittie but a clownish dull flegmatike puppie to his mistres.
The deepe reuoluing wittie Buckingham, No more shall be the neighbor to my counsailes.
The inhabitants are wittie and most expert in Mechanicall arts.
Poets you say use coullors to cover their incoviences, and wittie sentences to burnish theyr bawdery, and you divinite to cover your knaverye.
Did you never reade (my over wittie frend) that under the persons of beastes many abuses were dissiphered?
He is to blame (faith Martiall, and further he brandes him with a knavish name) that will be wittie in another mans booke.
Augmented with Ingenious Conceites for the wittie and Merrie Medicines for the Melancholie.
Augmented, with Ingenious Conceites for the wittieand Merrie Medicines for the Melancholie.
In this actour that wee now emploie (the cipher appears in the 1611 quarto edition of Hamlet), is a wittie veyne different from any formerly employ’d.
In this actour that wee now emploie, is a wittie vayne different from any formerly employed.
Address 'To Wittie Poets, or Poeticall Wittes' signed I.
A Wittie and pleasant Comedie Called The Taming of the Shrew.
Newly Corrected and augmented, with many late, true, and wittie accidents.
A wittie and pleasant Comedie, As it was Acted by his Maiesties Seruants at the Blacke-Friers and the Globe.
It is neither grammaticall subtilties nor logicall quiddities, nor the wittie contexture of choice words or arguments and syllogismes, that will serve my turne.
These Logicall and Aristotelian ordinances are not avail full for me, who onely endeavour to become more wise and sufficient, and not more wittie or eloquent.
I doe more willingly winde up a wittie notable sentence, that so I may sew it upon me, than unwinde my thread to go fetch it.
A quicke cunning Argument, and a wittie saying, whether it go before or come after, it is never out of season.
Let him mock at it, it is more wittieto be mockt at than to be answered.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "wittie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.