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Example sentences for "winter campaign"

  • To get ready for a winter campaign of six months gave us much to do.

  • While Harrison was pushing forward his winter campaign, Dearborn remained quietly in winter quarters, but soon as he saw the river St. Lawrence clear of ice, he prepared to renew his invasion of Canada.

  • He seized the occasion also to dwell upon the advantages--the necessity--of a winter campaign to bring the war to a speedy end.

  • The governor was the first to grasp this idea of a winter campaign as the most effective method of reducing hostile Indians to subjection.

  • Don Juan's messengers found O'Neil and O'Donnell busily engaged on their own frontiers, but both instantly resolved to muster all their strength for a winter campaign in Munster.

  • Letters were despatched to England for reinforcements, and a winter campaign in the South was decided on.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "winter campaign" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    abdomen white; battle against the children; can see; fine cloth; guard station; made over; nice colour; paper basket; pecuniary interest; reasonable time; separate chapter; she begged; state appointed; step further; thou liest; way back; winter camp; winter injury; winter night; winter pelage; winter protection; winter quarters; winter savory; winter squash; winter time; winter visitor