Wild sheep occur as they do in Europe, but no wild horse nor ass roams the plains of America as they roam to-day the wastes of Asia.
More sweeping and even more fatal has been the introduction among the wild sheep of an anthrax, of which, however, very little is known.
I am told that in some bad lands in the Red Desert, locally known as Dobe Town, there is a herd of wild sheep, which are occasionally pursued by range riders.
Most of the species are short-tailed animals, but this is not the case with the Barbary wild sheep.
But it seems to prey chiefly upon wild goats, wild sheep, and those odd little burrowing animals that we call marmots, and also upon domesticated sheep and cattle which are sent up to graze on the higher slopes of the mountains.
The horns of the Spanish ibex rather resemble those of the burrell, or wild sheep of the Caucasus, &c.
Wild Sheep:--It is somewhat remarkable that the moufflon, which is found as near as Corsica and Sardinia, should be entirely unknown in the Spanish cordilleras.
Even where there are almost no external marks to distinguish wild goats from certain kinds of wild sheep, there are found moral characteristics which serve as guides to the genus.
And Lewis and Clark tell us that, in a time of great scarcity on the head waters of the Missouri, they saw plenty of wild sheep, but they were "too shy to be shot.
Nearly all the lofty mountain-chains of the globe are inhabited by wild sheep, most of which, on account of the remote and all but inaccessible regions where they dwell, are imperfectly known as yet.
The more rugged and inaccessible the general character of the topography of any particular region, the more surely will the trails of white men, Indians, bears, wild sheep, etc.
They were the "cimmarons," or wild sheep of the Rocky Mountains.
There was a flock of wild sheep upon it, and from these they hoped to replenish their larder.
The photograph of wild sheep, after only twenty-seven years of protection, feeding in herds in the main street of Ouray, Colorado, is an object lesson never to be forgotten by any student of wild animal psychology.
People now know enough about anatomy, and the mental traits of wild sheep, to know that nothing of that kind ever occurred save by a dreadful accident, followed by the death of the sheep.
Yes, wild sheep, you HAVE wool; but Mary's lamb had more.
But the heads of deer, antelope, wild sheep, and bears are conspicuously rare or altogether wanting in tourist collections in the "paradise of hunters.
Some kinds of prey are very easy to catch, such as wild pigs or wild sheep, as they cannot run fast, and are also very stupid.
A tiger can just rush at a wild pig or a wild sheep, and catch it.
In America there is also but one species of wild sheep, though it has also a variety.
The wild sheep, like the wild goats, do not number a great many species; but there are certainly several that are yet undescribed, and perhaps there may be about a dozen in all.
One species of wild sheep belongs to Europe--the Moufflon, which is to this day found plentifully in the mountainous parts of Corsica, Cyprus, and Candia.
No doubt the great central mountains of Asia, and also the ranges of Northern Africa, still unexplored, will in time yield several new species of wild sheep.
Yes, Cavalier, you behold a sportsman who has slain a wild sheep of Corsica.
Being an active sort of man in his way, though well over fifty, and given to wandering on the mountains above Calenzana, he had come one day upon a wild sheep with a lamb running at her heels.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "wild sheep" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.