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Example sentences for "wild dogs"

  • If they expose themselves in the day, they are the prey of aborigines and eagles, if at night, they fall victims to wild dogs or dingoes.

  • The only animals' tracks seen round our well were emus, wild dogs, and Homo sapiens.

  • Yet in these instances given by Mr. Selous, he and his companions with their camp dogs once fairly ran down a pack of wild dogs; and twice he fairly ran down full-grown cheetahs.

  • One of the most interesting of Mr. Selous' chapters is that containing his notes on wild dogs, on hunting hounds, and on cheetahs.

  • Wild dogs or African wolves go in large droves and roam the country; they are seen in packs of 200 and upwards.

  • Some allege that he has sprung from the wolf; others that he is a descendant of the jackal; while not a few believe that there were true wild dogs, from which the present domesticated race had their origin.

  • One traveler tells of having witnessed the pursuit and destruction of a large leopard by a pack of wild dogs.

  • A single wild dog is not very formidable, but a pack of wild dogs is the dread of every living creature in the part of Africa where they dwell; and more persevering, savage, and relentless hunters do not exist.

  • Then when had the hyenas and wild dogs come?

  • There was nothing unusual in the presence of wild dogs: hyenas, jackals, wild dogs and all the smaller beasts of prey were heard nightly; what attracted attention in this case was the regular calling from different points.

  • We were much puzzled at this confident statement, and on bringing the spyglass to bear found the visitors to be a pack of wild dogs.

  • It is supposed by the shikarries that a pack of wild dogs, whose tracks we found in the snow following on those of ibex, had driven those animals away.

  • He had been terrified out of his senses by the sudden appearance of the pack of wild dogs come to dispute the possession of the carcase with him, or even to worry him--all one to them.

  • We saw an old and a young bear far up out of reach, and again saw the pack of wild dogs, whose presence sufficiently accounts for the small number of animals seen, and their extreme wariness.

  • There, right in front, squatted on their haunches in a semicircle, not a hundred yards off, were a lot of wild dogs.

  • By the way, talking of wild dogs, I had an experience with them once which was very much akin to that one of yours with the baboons a little while ago.

  • Late one afternoon, when returning from a ride, I had my first sight of wild dogs.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "wild dogs" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    customs officers; eldest daughter; few days before the; its body; not true; physical culture; single sheet; this discovery; wild beasts; wild bells; wild cattle; wild duck; wild elephant; wild geese; wild goats; wild grape; wild horses; wild land; wild oats; wild olive; wild rice; wild state; wild thing; wild tribes; wild yell; with every