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Example sentences for "wild land"

  • That house was built by one of the first settlers in Belleville, an officer who drew his lot of wild land on that spot.

  • These little chaps are the sons of a poor emigrant who came out this summer, and took up a lot of wild land just at the back of us, towards the plains.

  • It was her practice to cover her game to season, and also to make it plain to all that know the laws of Wild Land that it is her game--Igmutanka's!

  • They could scarcely say that it was quiet; for while they were unassuming enough and willing to mind their own affairs, Wild Land is always noisy, and the hubbub of the wild people quite as great in its way as that of the city of man.

  • It is the accepted usage of Wild Land that no one may wisely leave his tracks uncovered while he himself is on the trail of another, for many have been seized while enjoying the prize.

  • If the road was the right one, I was passing now through some square miles of wild land.

  • I had reached the northern limit of that two-mile stretch of wild land.

  • It has no name; it’s wild land, wilderness: didn’t you see a bear there?

  • People are not so fond of going on to wild land.

  • He had bought a piece of wild land, and they were expecting to begin as Ben and his wife had.

  • If he lived elsewhere, his one chance of acquiring great wealth, and his best chance to acquire even moderate wealth without long and plodding labor, was to speculate in wild land.

  • To prove their zeal as colonists, they were induced to purchase large tracts of wild land in remote and unfavourable situations.

  • The sons and daughters of these loyalists, who had fled to Canada from the United States at the time of the revolutionary war, were entitled to free grants of lots of wild land.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "wild land" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    form column; good lady; great longing; when full; wild animal; wild beast; wild bells; wild birds; wild boars; wild creatures; wild dogs; wild elephant; wild elephants; wild fruit; wild garden; wild geese; wild goose; wild honey; wild olive; wild rose; wild roses; wild shout; wild thyme; wild tribes; wildlife populations; word only