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Example sentences for "wags"

Lexicographically close words:
wagonettes; wagoning; wagonload; wagonmaster; wagons; wagtail; wagtails; waha; wahi; wahine
  1. They took another look around the tent, fixed the fire again, and at last one by one retired to rest once more, Wags at the foot of the tent pole as before.

  2. They left Wags on guard, but this was unnecessary, for nothing came to disturb them.

  3. But Wags was too wise to get within reach of the deer's hoofs and head.

  4. All took a nap, Tommy lying down on the grass with the faithful Wags beside him.

  5. Wags took hold of the end and commenced to swim along, dragging his young master after him.

  6. And if I couldn't Wags would take care of me," answered Tommy.

  7. Evidently Wags was used to this treatment, for he did not seem to mind it in the least.

  8. Wags would bark at a wild beast, I am sure.

  9. Wags seemed to understand and even acted as if he might lead them to the game.

  10. Dick Bush, for Wags had walked toward him, barking angrily.

  11. Wags sat in the bow as before, watching proceedings in silence.

  12. At first Wags appeared to be doubtful, but finally he ventured into the water.

  13. I vote we call him Wags, because he wags his tail so much.

  14. Wags was barking furiously, and the hair of his body seemed to be fairly standing on end.

  15. Wags will watch out at night," said Tommy.

  16. He wags his tail, barks in a piercing manner--the bark of the gay young dog--and madly rushes after imaginary rats.

  17. If either of them so much as wags his head--shoot!

  18. I reckon it must be the truth what some you town wags say about my face!

  19. As one looks at that face wherein a mockery more trenchant than the world is able to endure leers and wags the tongue, one feels certain that the soul of the eighteenth century was not really contented with its heroic sentimental mask.

  20. It wags the philosophic tongue at every conceivable embodiment of popular superstition.

  21. Presently some wags began to chalk up "Fotheringay forever!

  22. For well I wot the Empress never wags But in her company there is a Moor; And, would you represent our queen aright, It were convenient you had such a devil.

  23. You that are old consider not the capacities of us that are young; you do measure the heat of our livers with the bitterness of your galls; and we that are in the vaward of our youth, must confess, are wags too.

  24. The surgeon was one of those wags who can laugh inwardly, without exhibiting the least outward mark of mirth or satisfaction.

  25. Then he spent two hours out on the field, practicing wig-wags with Bud Morgan.

  26. Besides, a wealthy despot, with no conception of any hum around him, will have the wags in his track as surely as the flexibles in front: they avenge his exactions.

  27. And the countess never denying an imputation not brought against her in her hearing, the ballad was unchallenged and London's wags had it their own way.

  28. For a while he strives with a wistful cry To catch a glance from his drowsy eye, And wags his tail if the rude winds flap The skirt of the buffalo over his lap, And whines when he takes no heed.

  29. Pastrycooks, coffee-sellers, milkmen sing out their trivial quotidian cries: the world wags on, as if this were a common day.

  30. So wags and wavers this unrestful World, day after day, month after month.

  31. The wags of Paris playing upon the word (quasi cabri au lait) used to call a superior turn-out of the kind a cabri au creme.

  32. From a character in The Wags of Windsor.

  33. And let me add this," he continued: "every day you are here in Washington the tongue of rumor wags the more.

  34. This absurdity of hers was one amongst many others which the wags used to play upon.

  35. Mr. Welles ran for Mayor and, as there was no opposition, the before mentioned wags decided to have some.

  36. Just as he got to the last "Down" these wags put some timbers under the little building and gently turned it over in the sand.

  37. When the fox wants to catch geese, he wags his tail.

  38. The dog wags his tail, not for you, but for bread.

  39. The dog wags his tail for your bread, not for you.

  40. The dog wags his tail, not for you but for your bread.

  41. Do not give the dog bread every time he wags his tail.

  42. The dog does not get bread every time he wags his tail.

  43. There is no dog, be he ever so wicked, but wags his tail.

  44. The world wags on with three things: doing, undoing, and pretending.

  45. So wags the world, my mates; so wags the world," cried the carpenter.

  46. A sickly body can only sustain a sickly mind, and so the world wags and whole peoples become undermined.

  47. The wags answered, that donkeys often get into fine stables.

  48. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "wags" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.