They made faces at the teacher and mocked him when his back was turned; they even threw paper wads at him.
They had to be much more carefully looked after than chickens when they were young, they were so helpless in their nests, such mere weak wads of featherless flesh.
There were innumerable little things, besides a stiff white shirt, a cheap shiny Bible, a stuffed parrot and several wads of clothes.
Wads of cotton and pieces of pottery were found in many places; and an interesting find was a "boomerang" similar to that used to this day by the Moqui Indians for killing rabbits.
From all the cotton wads the shaman gets he may have girdles and hair-ribbons made, which he eventually sells.
It is filled with wads of cotton, under which lie carved stone figures of great antiquity.
Lord Ingram bought her Lady Maisery The knives hafted wi steel; She wads they were in his heart's bluid, Gin Childe Viat was weel.
Lord Ingram bought her Ladye Maisery The steed that paid him well; She wads he were ayont the sea, Gin she had her true love.
Lord Ingram bought her Lady Maisery The golden knobbed gloves; She wads they were ayone the sea, Gin she had her true love.
Shotgun wads are manufactured from the most filthy kinds of old hair, often reeking with the bacillus of tetanus.
A party of soldiers would enter a dwelling, search and rifle; and in departing throw wads of burning paper into closets, corners, under beds, into cellars.
Family and servants would follow after, removing wads and extinguishing flames until ready to drop.
Selvagee wads should be made neither too hard nor too soft; and to avoid either of these extremes, a sufficient number of hitches only will be taken to give the wad the consistency required for service.
Ten selvagee wads for shot and shell |On the breast-piece of the carriage, guns | strung on a pin.
Sections of one-third or one-fourth of these wads will answer as well, in case of need.
Selvagee wads are made by the wad-machine at the Navy Yards.
Hard wads are not to be used in firing salutes, nor are port-fires.
Taking advantage of Toro's attention being distracted, he promptly began to make wads too, and before Toro could stop him he was vigorously pelting the scowling image.
Bowing their heads to the earth and muttering prayers, they took from their belts some slips of paper, and after chewing them into wads began gravely to throw them at the fierce green demon behind the bars.
Some of the men swinging corduroy and blue jean legs from the station platform evidently perpetrated a pleasantry; for there was a loud guffaw, and a shower of tobacco wads into the middle of the road.
Anaemic teachers and preachers might as well throw paper wads at a wall as attempt to dislodge this man with argument.
These men of the mountains mostly load their own shells and the wads in this case had been made by cutting pieces out of a pasteboard box.
Scraps of cut-up shoe boxes had been found, white on one side and brown on the other, and from these had evidently been made wads for reloading shells.
Every worshipper makes a wish as he enters the temple, and throws at the kings little wads of paper precisely like the spitballs of school children.
If the wads go through the wire, the wishes are supposed to come true.
A sportsman has recommended to me a couple of well-marked caps, into the heads of which small wads of cork have been fitted; he uses them for loaded guns that are to be laid by for some hours or days.
The needles and awls in use are conveniently carried in some kind of metal tube, withwads of cork at either end, to preserve their points.
Two wads might be used; the one strongly rammed in, to prevent the tallow from running too far, the other merely as a support for the wick.
Reinhardt removed thewads from his ears, and looking at them doubtfully for a moment, laid them down on the floor beside him.
Burroughs gave his handkerchief to the Chinaman, who tore it in strips, and rolled up two wads which he placed in the German's ears.
Maybe you'll shoot wads and do what you please, and maybe you won't.
I'm going to get a hundred wads ready for Monday," said Jimmy Hood.
It is just like a magician transforming leaves into wads of money, for there is hardly any sleight of hand which is as easy, advantageous, or interesting.
Using construction bonds as a convenient cover, it spurts out wads of money (merely in order to make it circulate a little better), dig up our precious land, and cover it over with concrete.
I have sometimes used paper wads of various colours, or bits of candy of the same flavour rolled in various coloured papers.
I would then release the boy, and to the evident pleasure of Jokes I would drive him away by throwing wads of paper at him.
Some one, he didn't know who, was putting up cash in great wads against them, and doing it with such confidence that it almost seemed as though he thought he was betting on a sure thing.
Do you remember what Reggie told us when he was in Riverside about that fellow in Chicago that was betting great wadsof money that the Giants wouldn't cop the flag?
The man of wisdom entered, with two small wads of paper in one hand, and several crackers and a bit of cheese in the other.
It is literally covered with paper wads which have been thrown against it by worshipers at the temple in the belief that their prayers would be answered if the wads adhered to the image.
They use gun wadsand simply play that they are rubies.
It may be a joke, but the people think you are playing for real stones, using gunwads as they've seen poker chips used.
The quartette were placing prospective rubies and sapphires on the board, using gun-wads in lieu of the real article.
But, before the crash came, I have seen Charles patiently spending the morning cutting gun-wads from an old hat, in preference to going to his books.