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Example sentences for "rational creatures"

  • Consequently irrational creatures are subject to the eternal law, through being moved by Divine providence; but not, as rational creatures are, through understanding the Divine commandment.

  • For the law of man extends only to rational creatures subject to man.

  • But a law cannot be promulgated except to rational creatures, to whom it is possible to make an announcement.

  • For God knows even the thoughts and affections of hearts, which will be multiplied to infinity as rational creatures go on for ever.

  • Strictly speaking, therefore, God does not love irrational creatures with the love of friendship; but as it were with the love of desire, in so far as He orders them to rational creatures, and even to Himself.

  • But precept, counsel, and prohibition belong to rational creatures only.

  • Like Milton's, it would only contain angels, or men sunk below the dignity of rational creatures.

  • Let them be taught to respect themselves as rational creatures, and not led to have a passion for their own insipid persons.

  • And they have that power by their nature and by the nature of rational creatures, before God decrees to create them.

  • But I am far from agreeing with him there, and I think that in reality, properly speaking, there is incomparably more moral good than moral evil in rational creatures; and of these we have knowledge of but few.

  • Moreover, the author is still presupposing that false maxim advanced as the third, stating that the happiness of rational creatures is the sole aim of God.

  • But in that case it may be supposed that since the creation he has been making a circuit of the planets, and dying on the cross for the sins of rational creatures in uninterrupted succession.

  • It is also no more than just, that we should bear in mind the apparent fitness or otherwise, of these bodies, so far as we are acquainted with them, for the dwelling-place of rational creatures.

  • Some, however, argue that prayer cannot be peculiar to rational creatures, thus: 1.

  • Hence prayer belongs neither to the Divine Persons nor to the brute creation, but is peculiar to rational creatures.

  • Are the people to be blamed, if they have the sense of rational creatures, and can think of things no otherwise than as they find and feel them?

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "rational creatures" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    brave knight; comparative study; dance hall; eggs were; external violence; face like; fourth teaspoon; half tablespoonful; knew what; little horn; metaphorical sense; play the; potassium sulphate; prepared chalk; rational being; rational beings; rational creature; rational creatures; rational explanation; rational knowledge; rational liberty; rational nature; rational soul; small city; tell you right here; will tell you about