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Example sentences for "uponne"

Lexicographically close words:
uplifting; uplifts; upmost; upon; upone; upoun; upp; uppe; upped; upper
  1. The bloudie axe hys bodie fayre Ynnto foure parties cutte; And ev'rye parte, and eke hys hedde, Uponne a pole was putte.

  2. Botte doe reste mee uponne mie Ælla's breaste; I wylle to thee bewryen the woefulle gare.

  3. I greeve to telle, before yonne sonne Does fromme the welkinn flye, 30 Hee hath uponne hys honour sworne, Thatt thou shalt surelie die.

  4. He toke a jumpe strayghte through ye cloudes To what was there revealed, And strayghtwaye lit uponne ye grounde Whych was a footeball field!

  5. Noe glove bears he uponne hys creste, And lettynge droppe hys visor's barres, I sawe hys starke soule lookynge forthe, Toe meete ye whysperes of ye starres.

  6. Uponne a sledde hee mounted thenne, Wythe lookes fulle brave and swete; Lookes, thatt enshone ne more concern Thanne anie ynne the strete.

  7. Heere, uponne mie true loves grave, Schalle the baren fleurs be layde; Nee one hallie Seynete to save Al the eelness of a mayde.

  8. He colde ne loke uponne her withouten grete plesance, and he was welle nighe loste in wondrement.

  9. Here is the text:-- Whenne Alexandre the Conqueroure was wayfayringe in y^e londe of Inde, there mette hym a damoselle of marveillouse beautie slepynge uponne the herbys and flourys.

  10. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "uponne" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.