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Example sentences for "upon our"

  • We hove in upon our chain, and after stoppering and unshackling it again and again, and hoisting and hauling down sail, we at length tripped our anchor and stood out to sea.

  • I was not a little rejoiced, therefore, and relieved, upon our return, to see him decidedly better.

  • We shall never get all the good of that thought until we translate it, and lay it upon our hearts.

  • And so, upon our hearts, if we love Christ, there falls the benediction of the Father's love.

  • We were immediately visited, upon our arrival, by a number of Arabs, including the Sheik Abou Do, from whom I purchased two good milk goats to accompany us upon our journey.

  • Upon our arrival at the camp, there were great rejoicings among our people at the result of the day's sport.

  • We have thus strung, as it were, upon our thread of the war, the more important military events that occurred during the first year of the cruise of the Alabama.

  • A pitiable scene presented itself, upon our arrival at the station.

  • Upon Our arrival, We beheld its streams flowing, and its trees luxuriant, and the sunlight playing in their midst.

  • Upon Our arrival in ‘Iráq We found the Cause of God sunk in deep apathy and the breeze of divine revelation stilled.

  • And, upon our Landing, Directions met us to march for Ipswich, where we had our Quarters all that Winter.

  • Upon our return to camp with the horses Haught said he could put up that lion for us, and from the size of its track he judged it to be a big one.

  • Upon our arrival at camp we heard some very disquieting news.

  • A building could therefore be six times as tall as upon our earth, without causing any more strain upon its foundations.

  • Upon our earth, for instance, the transference of water, as in rivers, merely follows the slope of the ground, and nothing else.

  • Again, what was the effect of the non-intercourse in 1809 upon our Treasury?

  • In truth, sir, there is not a scintilla of the spirit, nor a single word or letter of the constitution, that loses its power and sanction upon our conduct in legislating in this particular.

  • It is the proper function of this noble assembly, sitting, as we do, upon our honors in this House, the hereditary council of the Crown.

  • Upon our return, after a walk of a short half mile, we found our footsteps obliterated, and the hummock-line within a few yards of this older ice.

  • It is only when other ice bears down upon our own, or our own ice is borne in against other floes, that pressure and resistance make us conscious of motion.

  • Fourteen inches of solid ice thickness, with some half dozen of snow, are, with the slow uniform advance of a mighty propelling power, driving in upon our vessel.

  • Our bumping continued all I night, without any apparent effect I upon our sticking-plaster.

  • Upon our return, we found our landlord with a couple of under-gentlemen and two young ladies richly dressed, whom he introduced as women of very great distinction and fashion from town.

  • I had previously that morning given orders that a coach should be sent for my honest neighbour Flamborough and his family, by which means, upon our return to the inn, we had the pleasure of finding the two Miss Flamboroughs alighted before us.

  • Upon our return to the house we found a very elegant cold supper, which Mr. Thornhill had ordered to be brought with him.

  • However, upon our advancing to salute him, he returned our greeting with the most apparent candour; and after a short time his presence served only to increase the general good humour.

  • The woman’s story was confirmed by the husband; and both assured us that, upon our knocking at their door, they had suspected us to be gendarmes in disguise.

  • Upon our arrival at Rouen we were all put into the common gaol, and it was of a character to give us not a very favourable idea of prison management or discipline in France.

  • But it is a fact, of which the significance is at once apparent, that, instead of meeting with the fulfilment of our expectations, the converse thrusts itself most obtrusively upon our attention.

  • The necessity of a change in the conditions is admitted, and even called for, upon our theory.

  • Races under nature are, upon our theory, caused by degeneration; they are various degenerations of a specific type.

  • It is true that no exertions could have kept pace with the tide of emigration which has been pouring in upon our shores, especially during the last few years.

  • Upon our arrival we experienced some difficulty in getting in, and it was full twenty minutes before they would admit us.

  • Upon our return, I will go and see Captain King.

  • Upon our arrival, the doctor's horse was at the door, and his master soon made his appearance.

  • Upon our arrival, we were informed that the doctor was not in, so we promised to call again.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "upon our" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    about then; absolutely certain; addressing herself; honorary secretary; other stars; practical value; said the young man; say you; support their; upon another; upon deck; upon either; upon entering; upon every; upon hearing; upon himself; upon his; upon inquiry; upon occasion; upon one; upon our; upon the; upon their; upon this; upon what; yellow precipitate