For the Madonna del Baracane the same master made two Angels in stucco, who are upholding a canopy in half-relief; and in some medallions in the middle aisle of S.
To which end we also would beseech him along with you, that he would please to shew himself your protector even unto the end, upholding you not only against the wicked, but also against Satan their chief.
May the Lord be present with you, and guide you by his Spirit; may he supply you with an abundance of wisdom, sufficient, not only for maintaining your own Church, but also for upholding that of others.
The gay Italians looked upon Luther with ineffable contempt, as introducing ideas even more absurd than those he was trying to displace, and, what was perhaps a still greater offence, upholding his bad doctrines in worse Latin.
It is bad, again, when individuals in a State teach doctrines subversive of morality; but it evidently argues a far deeper depravation of morals when a whole community unite in accepting, endowing, and upholding such in their work.
Let there be fairness in the discussion of Southern questions, the advocates of both or all political parties giving honest, truthful reports of occurrences, condemning the wrong and upholding the tight, and soon all will be well.
Since the people upholdingpolygamy in our Territories are reenforced by immigration from other lands, I recommend that a law be passed to prevent the importation of Mormons into the country.
The United States was foremost inupholding the right of expatriation, and was principally instrumental in overthrowing the doctrine of perpetual allegiance.
This refusal the Papal Government was quite competent to give, but whether its policy in upholding its temporal power by the aid of foreign mercenaries was wise or not was another matter.
The teachers of the Law, absorbed in the task of upholding the Law and Jewish life, overlooked the element from which a mighty foe to the Law would arise.
Having said these words, conscious of their own innocence, and desirous of upholding the cause of righteousness, those Rishis and sages of royal descent then began to swear, one after another, the following oaths.
As regards ourselves, we also do not feel the labour of upholding the Earth, in consequence of such offerings being made to us.
Thou art he who grants the power of bearing or upholding all things.
Verily, it is they that are upholding the three worlds with the deities, the Asuras, and human beings.
We fail to see any Christianity in the present-day Sunday churchianity, and we positively know there is nothing sacred in the person upholding the merciless slaughter of animals.
I do not object to anyone eating flesh food--eat whatever you like, but I do point out the wrong of taking life and I emphatically say the religious institution upholding slaughter is a farce and a pharisaical monument to a man-made deity.
There was little foliage below; we saw but the base of the forest, grey columns that might have been of stone upholding a darkness from which dead stuff suspended.
The tall pillars rose, upholding night, and they might have been bastions of weathered limestone and basalt, for they were as grim as ancient and ruinous masonry.
It seemed very certain that something was upholding and uplifting him.
He stepped over to the nearest tree--an old, old one with gray lichen all over its bark, but upholding a curtain of tangled sprays and branches.
These are but a few of the many decisions of the Supreme Court in the reconstruction period upholding the rights of the states against attempted federal encroachment arising from the conditions of the Civil War.
The breach between the President and the Chief Justice was widened by some of the early decisions of the latter upholding the supremacy of the National Government and the powers of the Supreme Court, notably the famous case of Marbury v.
The desired legislation is enacted under the guise of an act to regulate commerce or raise revenue, and the task of upholding the Constitution is passed to the Supreme Court.
Fenno,[1] upholding the statute which taxed out of existence the circulation of the state banks, has frequently been cited as an authority sustaining the right of Congress to levy a tax upon a franchise or privilege granted by a state.
For example, the caseupholding the anti-lottery statute as a valid exercise of the power to regulate commerce[1] was twice ordered for reargument and finally decided by a bare majority of 5 to 4.
Men and women need to be reminded that the duty of upholding the Constitution does not devolve upon the Supreme Court alone.
An unseen presence seemed to be very near, upholding and supporting her, for what purpose she could not guess.
Three legs upholding firm A massy slab, in fashion square or round.
It had need to be a learned man who is charged with the care of upholding all these works; else, in his despair, he will deem himself the man of stone, and the statues about him the truly living men.
Do this, and you will have our support in upholding the rightful privileges of yourself and your staff.
Why isn't a story upholding one side of a controversy as controversial as a story upholding the other side?
Long and justly celebrated as benefactors of humanity, and upholding with devotion the high ideals of their profession, they have now begun to widen their usefulness and extend their ideals under the general social awakening of our time.
But on what principle of justice is the burden of upholding churches exclusively laid on the land, when all classes sit in churches, and enjoy the benefit of their accommodation.
Nor can I admit that the object of the law is the upholding of the present state of things.
I think the law is only an instrument for upholding the existing order of things beneficial to our class.