No power can die that ever wrought for Truth; Thereby a law of Nature it became, 30 And lives unwithered in its blithesome youth, When he who called it forth is but a name.
From off the starry mountain-peak of song, Thy spirit shows me, in the coming time, An earth unwithered by the foot of wrong, A race revering its own soul sublime.
Defn: Remaining unwithered through the winter, or retainingunwithered leaves until the leaves of the next year are expanded, as pines cedars, hemlocks, and the like.
From off the starry mountain peak of song, Thy spirit shows me, in the coming time, An earth unwithered by the foot of wrong, A race revering its own soul sublime.
No power can die that ever wrought for Truth; Thereby a law of Nature it became, And lives unwithered in its sinewy youth, When he who called it forth is but a name.
Remaining unwithered through the winter, or retaining unwithered leaves until the leaves of the next year are expanded, as pines cedars, hemlocks, and the like.