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Example sentences for "untiringly"

Lexicographically close words:
untimely; untinctured; untinged; untired; untiring; untitled; unto; untoe; untold; untouchable
  1. During every hour of the day, gentle women ministered untiringly to the sick.

  2. Joining at once the noble army of women who untiringly ministered to the sick and wounded, I entered upon the performance of a vow to devote myself to this work if only the opportunity were accorded me.

  3. The chief rabbi, Moses Kapsali, was untiringly active in protecting the unfortunate Jewish Spaniards who had come as beggars or slaves to Turkey.

  4. All this time Molcho was untiringly persecuted by his fellow-believers, more especially by his enemy, Jacob Mantin, the learned but unscrupulous physician and philologist.

  5. In these few curt sentences lies the history of the hard and nerve-racking existence of twenty-nine men, shut up in the body of a steel fish, as she made her way untiringly through the wild tossing seas.

  6. They were untiringly helpful in explaining and testing this wonderful product of their hands and brains, in all its peculiarities.

  7. Wiesner has been at it untiringly and done excellent work; the situation, too, is easier now.

  8. At first it was the German Navy only, and Tirpitz in particular, who untiringly advocated the plan.

  9. Three pair of eyes are fixed most untiringly upon her.

  10. Despite the recurrence of fever, he was untiringly occupied throughout the day; late in the evening he again went into the church to pray.

  11. No one labored more untiringly for the opening of the Columbia river for navigation than Dr.

  12. He was also a member of the chapter and was always an earnest worker and he labored untiringly for the advancement of Masonic interests in this locality.

  13. The American Federation of Labor sent their organizer, Emmett Flood, the untiringly courageous and the ever hopeful.

  14. For about two years Miss Home labored thus untiringly and faithfully, always alert, cheerful, active.

  15. On that account I could not convert even a single heathen, while Saint Nina daily converted dozens of people, untiringly preaching to the people the truth.

  16. The ancient building stood like a rock in the fierce battle which the brightness of lightning and the old night waged untiringly about it.

  17. From then on his brother had danced untiringly with Walter's Christiane and spoken for Apollonius and always, after he had taken her home, he came and gave our hero an account of his efforts on his behalf.

  18. He worked untiringly on behalf of these new arrivals, collecting money for them and aiding them personally in numerous ways.

  19. Mr. Taft had spoken at many of these meetings for months past, traveling untiringly and making most effective addresses.

  20. His taste for metaphysical research was developed at a very early age, and he devoted himself to it untiringly for a time, taking delight in that alone.

  21. Too often has science been made the menial of infidelity, and the assertion has been untiringly repeated that science and faith cannot agree.

  22. Perez spoke untiringly to Isabella in favour of the plan, and even aided Columbus in gathering men for his crew.

  23. They refused to accept the view that the world was going from bad to worse; they looked untiringly for every symptom of improvement and thought they could distinguish everywhere signs foretelling the dawn of a new era.

  24. Mason's strength had seemed superhuman as he untiringly urged the men on to greater efforts.

  25. Anderson took the trail and followed it untiringly for a week until he landed his men.

  26. Behold the loaded trains, following untiringly in sight of each other; but do not stop to count the broken engines by the wayside, or the cars turned topsy turvey.

  27. They must, however, untiringly pursue their direct struggle against the State.

  28. Miss Judy tried untiringly to help Doris in gaining a store of really useful knowledge.

  29. He fought untiringly for reforms, often with a lack of support which would have discouraged most men, but this North of Ireland man was not of such stuff.

  30. He labored untiringly for the best interests of Montreal while acting as chief executive of the city and was equally faithful in his support of matters relating to the provincial welfare when serving as senator.

  31. He has ever been a firm believer in the early religious training of the young and has labored untiringly to advance the interests of moral direction for the youth of the land.

  32. He gives untiringly of his service for the benefit of mankind and is highly esteemed not only by his colleagues but by the community generally.

  33. Since then the American women have labored untiringly for their political emancipation.

  34. The women that have labored so untiringly in political affairs have very naturally made it a point to promote the educational opportunities of their sex.

  35. The young folks worked untiringly and a little before five the last trail of ground pine was in place, and the decorators stood back and reviewed their work with pride.

  36. It was a veritable corner in Italy, and it may be said to Eleanor's credit that she had worked untiringly to carry out her idea.

  37. Their cowardice did not escape Jesus, and because He could not let any depart uncomforted, they seemed to hear Him murmur: "The Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who untiringly reach out after it.

  38. He searched the palace untiringly for the hall in which the writings were kept, and at last he came upon it.

  39. All these 'imaginary difficulties' vanish, thanks to two discoveries of Marx's which his Russian pupils untiringly quote against their opponents.

  40. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "untiringly" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    diligently; doggedly; faithfully; hard; industriously; patiently; persistently; resolutely