Dora unrolled a length of blue silk, took out a needle and threaded it.
Mr. Illis hurried into an adjoining room and returned with a huge chart which he unrolled upon the table.
Having relieved himself of this fervid homily, "Happy Tom" unrolled a package of gum and thrust three sticks into his mouth.
Posting myself betwixt the two, I drew from my pocket a small box of powder of chalk, and unrolled the canvas, yet so that the Spaniard might not see its inner side, and with solemn circumstance I dusted it with the powder.
From this when it was unrolled he took first three strips of a dark cloth, about an ell long, which he laid over his arm.
A cloth of gold suddenlyunrolled and clothed her to her hips.
A balmy fragrance floated in their wake, the very path on which the sun had unrolled a golden carpet thrilled with delight under their feet.
The organ's hum grew softer, and the censers swung with a silvery tinkling of their slender chains, releasing a cloudlet of white smoke, which unrolled in lacelike folds.
Silently we unrolled the beds, and with saddles for pillows and the dome of heaven for a roof, we fell asleep.
When they reached camp, Jack saw that the six horses were picketed close at hand; that the beds were unrolled and spread out on the ground, beneath one of the larger trees, and that the fire was burning cheerily.
Hugh lifted Jack out of the saddle and laid him down on one of the mantas, and then unrolled his bed and put him on that.
He had no cloak to wrap it in, but he took off his turban and unrolled it, and bound it around the trembling animal.
He broke the silken thread and unrolled the linen, fold after fold, until he came to a yellow piece of paper with writing on it, and in the paper a crooked sixpence of King James.
Clay and Hope descended meekly and seated themselves under the hood, where they could look out upon the moonlit road as it unrolled behind them.
The story of my life, up to the present hour, liesunrolled before me, so rich and beautiful that I could not have invented it.
As he spoke he took the paper from the point of the lance, unrolled and read it aloud to his companions: "`To Captain Hulton.
She had felt her aunt Eva's and Amabel's eager eyes on her when she unrolled the gaudy vase; now she felt her father's and mother's.
She heard a murmur of admiration when she had finally reached her seat, after the storm of applause had at last subsided, and she unrolled the packages with trembling fingers.
She took from a table standing near a package consisting of cords and knots, and unrolled it.
From a casket on his table he drew forth a roll of parchment, to which were attached two great seals, hanging by silken strings, and while he unrolled it he beckoned the painter to come near.
I drew my knife and cut it, and the oil-skin unrolled of itself.
One of the men, with a gesture of sympathy, rose, unrolled his blanket, and spread it on the bank behind the fire.
Looking down at the tangle of wagons and guns and motors, Stewart saw that it was not really a tangle, but an ordered arrangement, which unrolled itself smoothly and without friction.
All the past and his own part in it unrolled itself before him like a judgment; all the present, and her brave effort for him; the future, near and dark.
Launched now on a favorite topic, she rushed on, while the teacher, with downcast eyes, listened, and rolled and unrolled the sheet of music in her hands.
Like the panorama which is said to pass before the eyes of the drowning man, the days and hours at Caryl's as they would be, must be, unrolled themselves before her.
Confusion reigned, and Levau was about to be recalled when Colbert spied an unrolled parchment in the corner and pounced upon it eagerly as the means of saving him from the dubious efforts of the former incumbent.
It was the establishment of these public rendezvous which contributed so largely to the events which unrolled themselves in the Palais Royal in 1789.
To have things had always seemed to her the first essential of existence, and as she listened to him the vision of the things he could have unrolled itself before her like the long triumph of an Asiatic conqueror.
As the varied vision unrolled itself, Undine contrasted it with the pale monotony of her previous summers.
Sitting on a high white cloud amid the starry spaces of the sky, "Air" sits in form like a naked man, pressing his hands to his forehead in fear and giddiness at the vast immensity unrolled before his eyes.
For, in truth Ellen was describing, her life; she had witnessed and suffered from all these terrors, all these atrocities, whose sinister and bloody images she unrolledbefore her hearers.
The heavy masses of her hair broke from their fastenings, unrolled about her shoulders, and tumbled about his.
And plunging again into the ocean of papers unrolled before him, he appeared to think of nothing now but work.
A soldier, roused by the noise, unrolled his plaid, and looked up to see what was going forward.
He quit the water, shook his body and dried it with fern, untied and unrolled monk’s gown and put it on.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "unrolled" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.