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Example sentences for "ungratefully"

Lexicographically close words:
ungraciously; ungraded; ungrammatical; ungranted; ungrateful; ungratified; ungreased; unground; ungrounded; ungrudging
  1. I may get on to the next morning--the morning when I so ungratefully left you at the inn by the river-side.

  2. As to my friends at Lerwick, from Sir James downward, they had all kindly come to see me--and I had secretly and ungratefully rejoiced when their departure left the scene free for the return of my nurse.

  3. As soon as I am in, I recollect that I have ungratefully forgotten to shake hands with my late escort.

  4. But in this, as in every other item of the rations, she is most unjustly and ungratefully suspected of a systematic course of cheating.

  5. On the land, they were harmless enough, perhaps, and seldom ungratefully interfered with the comfort of their benefactors or lured them into scrapes.

  6. For this vessel, looking so demure and Quaker-like, I very ungratefully began to entertain feelings akin to contempt.

  7. We have seen how ungratefully the court of Spain treated the first and great discoverer of the New World, and how far it was from enabling him to exert his great capacity in its service.

  8. I feel ungratefully inclined to run away from Miss Batchford, when I think of it!

  9. You are behaving ungratefully to your best friend.

  10. Let them look at home: the Cavaliers and the Levellers were combined to overthrow the constitution; Charles Stuart was preparing an invasion; and the Dutch had ungratefully sold him certain vessels for that purpose.

  11. But Lancaster only groaned ungratefully and continued to ply the crutch.

  12. Ungratefully you needless ways devise, To lose a life which I so dearly prize.

  13. Gainst you what harms have ever I designed, That you should with such violence decree Ungratefully at last to murder me?

  14. Y: Disdaining ungratefully Our gifts, and giving themselves up to (worldly) enjoyment!

  15. Y: That was the Requital We gave them because they ungratefully rejected Faith: and never do We give (such) requital except to such as are ungrateful rejecters.

  16. At intervals, the original wildness in his nature broke out; he, too, lost all relish for the comforts of home, and ungratefully left the house.

  17. Liza's mother is one of those women, qui n'a pas invente la poudre, la bonne daine, as one of her visitors ungratefully remarks.

  18. Paul tells us they were--this Rome should alone be ungratefully forgetful of her best benefactor.

  19. After exhausting the arts of sensual pleasure, she most ungratefully murmured against the parsimony of Nature; but her murmurs, her pleasures, and her arts, must be veiled in the obscurity of a learned language.

  20. And besides these there shall be two other gardens: (Which, therefore, of your LORD'S benefits will ye ungratefully deny?

  21. Which, therefore, of your LORD'S benefits will ye ungratefully deny?

  22. But for him who dreadeth the tribunal of his LORD are prepared two gardens: (Which, therefore, of your LORD'S benefits will ye ungratefully deny?

  23. Therein shall be agreeable and beauteous damsels: Which, therefore, of your LORD'S benefits will ye ungratefully deny?

  24. And we bare him on a vessel composed of planks and nails; which moved forward under our eyes:k as a recompense unto him who had been ungratefully rejected.

  25. Therein shall be agreeable and beauteous damsels: Which, therefore, of your LORD'S benefits will ye ungratefully deny?

  26. What if Lewis should take serious offence, should think his hospitality ungratefully requited, should conclude a peace with the usurpers, and should request his unfortunate guests to seek another asylum?

  27. Emile ungratefully disregarded the implied compliment, and threw out a blunt, "Why?

  28. For the second time that day Emile ungratefully rejected the ministrations of the Church.

  29. Some of the recipients kept it and pocketed the profits, while others endeavored to get rid of it when public attention was called to it, and they ungratefully tried to make Mr. Ames their scapegoat.

  30. He had done all in his power to promote the interests of the South, but success had not crowned his efforts, and he was ungratefully dropped, as Daniel Webster had been before him.

  31. I know not what could have possessed the great Cordovan poet to call thee 'holy gift ungratefully received.

  32. Events have proved how ungratefully his Majesty’s beneficent intentions have been requited.

  33. Curse his beauties, and the little low heart that possesses them; which can basely descend to this despicable wench, and be ungratefully deaf to all the honours I do him.

  34. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ungratefully" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.