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Example sentences for "undisguisedly"

Lexicographically close words:
undisclosed; undiscoverable; undiscovered; undiscriminating; undisguised; undismayed; undisposed; undisputed; undissembled; undissolved
  1. If you had seen Macready, last night, undisguisedly sobbing and crying on the sofa as I read The Chimes, you would have felt, as I did, what a thing it is to have power.

  2. I have never seen men go in to cry undisguisedly as they did at that reading yesterday afternoon.

  3. Sybil was undisguisedly disappointed; she had so desperately set her heart on his marrying her beloved Agnes, and the night's meeting had brought them no nearer.

  4. Mr. Musselwhite was undisguisedly grateful for every remark or question that kept him talking at his ease.

  5. If she acted undisguisedly as a free woman, how was she to blame?

  6. Pending that trial the reports of its progress gave radicalism a confidence it undisguisedly evinced, that the result would be favourable to its heart's worst wishes.

  7. He had men friends in plenty, but women he openly and undisguisedly avoided.

  8. We call it amusing, because Mr. Froude everywhere so undisguisedly manifests his strong personal sympathy that, as an historian, he becomes simply absurd.

  9. We had gone for a walk by ourselves outside of the town proper towards the redoubts, when we came upon a party of Russian infantrymen who were undisguisedly hostile.

  10. I noticed that Vachin, who was always an ill disposed fellow, looked undisguisedly contemptuous of our preparations, and that old Tom Rennison was obviously fluctuating between the extremes of hope and fear.

  11. I had spoken thus with the design of putting him off; but he was undisguisedly an ill-bred man, and I saw that I could have bought the emeralds from him for five hundred pounds.

  12. He stood upon the very edge of the curbstone, undisguisedly waiting for me, so that upon a sudden impulse, which had wisdom in it, I walked over to him, and this time he did not turn away.

  13. She had made all sorts of good resolutions, but in less than half a minute she was bawling undisguisedly on the hero's neck.

  14. An article in the Times this morning is undisguisedly aimed at getting rid of me; but it does not express any of their feelings.

  15. The truth is that ultramontanism is an anti-social power, and never has it more undisguisedly assumed that character than in the Syllabus.

  16. Hat in hand, Lashmar faced the familiar smile, at this moment undisguisedly mischievous.

  17. I knew positively that England was determined never to allow Napoleon to possess himself of the whole of the Continent,--a project which he indicated too undisguisedly to admit of any doubt respecting it.

  18. Cobham and Raleigh were undisguisedly in disgrace, and were shunned by the courtiers as fallen men.

  19. He had grown more undisguisedly Episcopalian as he saw Elizabeth sinking, and felt his hold on the throne through her own ministers.

  20. He was undisguisedly indifferent and almost bored.

  21. Finally there was the Major to be walked home with--not a youthful triumphant Major, but a rather careworn, undisguisedly irritated one.

  22. Here therefore it speaks out undisguisedly what it has hitherto suppressed.

  23. They are always undisguisedly face to face, for instance, with that most ancient and inveterate of human problems, the problem of getting food.

  24. She was, however, undisguisedly anxious to do so; inquiring after him; the chance of his proximity; the possibility of cultivating his intimate acquaintance.

  25. This went to show that when Ruth and Granny Marrable came into the room at about six, they found her ladyship undisguisedly asleep beside old Maisie; and when she half woke, persuaded her away to more comfortable quarters.

  26. And I am marrying him--impudently, undisguisedly marrying him--for his rank.

  27. A day arrives in every marriage when the lovers must face each other, disillusioned, stripped of the last shred of excitement--undisguisedly themselves.

  28. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "undisguisedly" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    apparently; clearly; conspicuously; definitely; distinctly; evidently; manifestly; markedly; noticeably; obviously; patently; perceptibly; plainly; prominently; visibly