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Example sentences for "undergrowth"

Lexicographically close words:
undergoing; undergone; undergraduate; undergraduates; underground; underhand; underhanded; underived; underlaid; underlain
  1. She pushed a portion of the undergrowth back a little farther and Doris scrambled in through the opening.

  2. Thinking they had merely slipped down and hidden in the undergrowth to tease her, she scrambled to the spot where they had stood.

  3. So away she pursued her difficult quest, becoming constantly more involved in the thick undergrowth and more scratched and dishevelled every moment, till at length she stood at the top of the bluff.

  4. Mason had lost track of time; perhaps it was as many as two hours before they had fought their way through the clutching undergrowth back to the mentacom at the fringe of their own camp.

  5. A muffled grunt, a choked off curse lost in a brief rustle of undergrowth as though a sudden breeze had momentarily ruffled its languid calm.

  6. They had run perhaps a dozen steps when the undergrowth behind them ripped and tore, and Mason spun.

  7. Slushy green undergrowth Where the roach swim-- Here we keep our larder, Cool and full and dim.

  8. Then suddenly from the undergrowth rose a lank figure, and D'rona of the Magic Eye felt a bony hand at her throat.

  9. Bones, but she had disappeared into the undergrowth before the big paddle-wheel of the Zaire began to thresh madly astern.

  10. Under these trees, which were mainly poplars and thick undergrowth of alders about the steep banks of a little brook, we were halted, and here took cover, our men lying down.

  11. The banks are steep, and well wooded with such trees and undergrowth as love water.

  12. The canopy of foliage overhead and the absence of undergrowth are favorable to those reverberations which are so perceptible in a Pine wood.

  13. A wild-wood is frequently converted into a grove by clearing it of undergrowth and leaving the space a grassy lawn.

  14. In this vast chaos of teeming vegetation, trees of the largest dimensions are connected by an undergrowth of vines and shrubbery which is almost impenetrable.

  15. Once more they pushed through heavy undergrowth close to the river, traveled up a rather lofty bank, and found themselves in flatter country, beyond which at some distance rose some mountains.

  16. Tall pines stood all about, and there was little undergrowth to harbor mosquitoes, although by this time, indeed, that pest of the Northland was pretty much gone.

  17. After a time, however, they came out at the top of a high plateau, where the undergrowth was not very thick and tall spruces stood more scattered.

  18. The faint footpath grew still more indistinct, the undergrowth denser and more difficult for persons walking.

  19. A deep silence was over there by the pine-woods where the undergrowth was red.

  20. Then they came to a spot where the undergrowth was broken and trampled.

  21. The woods were freer from undergrowth and the travelers seemed to have become more cautious.

  22. A twig had snapped somewhere in the undergrowth beside the trail.

  23. Had not the path through the forest been a highway, undergrowth had long since made it impenetrable.

  24. There, carefully selecting a spot in the undergrowth where he was not likely to be soon found, he hid him.

  25. The native did not answer, only fixed upon him a mute, terrified stare, and crashed through the high, dense undergrowth at the side of the road.

  26. Rob suddenly as there was a slight rustling among the boughs and undergrowth a short distance away.

  27. Roughly made, unfeathered, and sent by a tyro, it was no wonder that it flew far wide of the mark, striking a bough away to the left and then dropping from twig to twig till it reached the undergrowth below.

  28. The serpent threw itself down with a crashing sound amongst the dense undergrowth beneath, and disappeared from their sight.

  29. One of the contracts was to clear a swamp of seven acres of all the timber on it, and to cut up the timber into suitable lengths for building purposes, and to stack it outside the swamp, and to burn the undergrowth and small stuff in heaps.

  30. It was a veritable jungle of undergrowth and forest, so dense and wide spreading as almost to shut out the dazzling sunlight.

  31. Their hideous masklike faces hidden, there they lay on the moss and all among the undergrowth, the trampled, desecrated, befouled undergrowth of Madison Forest.

  32. Plant your arrow there in the dry undergrowth where the wind whips the jungle!

  33. Already in three places, coils of greasy smoke were beginning to writhe upward, as the resinous, dry undergrowth blossomed into red bouquets of flame.

  34. Stern took no thought of it, but pressed forward, shouting the girl's name, hallooing, beating down the undergrowth with mad fury.

  35. Following it all that day, they yet got no sight of the big fellow that seemed to be frequenting a little marshy dip of country, too small to be called valley, where willow and undergrowth abounded.

  36. Tiny shrew-like forms scampered about the undergrowth and fed upon worms and insects.

  37. In the forest and undergrowth lived the ancestors of modern mammal groups.

  38. Probably inhabiting the forest floor and feeding on low bushes and undergrowth were such forms as the condylarths, horses, artiodactyls, and some of the rodents.

  39. The clever printer was not a woodsman, and he made his way through the undergrowth and among the trees with great difficulty.

  40. They consulted together with queer little duckings, and finally ran off into the undergrowth as if bent on a frolic.

  41. Up a Tree McLaggan stopped short in the middle of the trail and peered sharply into the thick undergrowth on his right.

  42. But he cleared away all the undergrowth in the woods within fifty yards of the pasture bars, because he would not have the cows scared at milking.

  43. He bounded into the wood on the left of the track, parting the undergrowth furiously with both arms outstretched before his face.

  44. With a crisp oath, Hatch burst through the undergrowth which fringed the road.

  45. The light and air, entering the trace, had called into life the undergrowth and lower boughs, till from the very turf to a hundred and fifty feet in height rose one solid green wall, spangled here and there with flowers.

  46. It was a difficult matter to reach its base, for so dense was the undergrowth that the Yankee had to unsling the ax from his back and cut their way through.

  47. It was the first time they had set eyes upon the huge trees and tangled undergrowth of the outside world in two whole years, and, dreary as their surroundings were, they thought it the most beautiful sight they had ever witnessed.

  48. Dan, pausing from his busy task of slashing away at the undergrowth with the big sheath knife which he used for skinning and cutting up.

  49. Lanty, pointing to a pile of heavy timber, beset with an undergrowth of cane, but standing almost isolated from the rest of the forest on account of the thin open woods that were around it.

  50. In the Western States they are still more common, where they inhabit the gloomy forests along the rivers, and creek bottoms, protected alike by the thick undergrowth and the swampy nature of the soil.

  51. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "undergrowth" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    boscage; brush; shrubbery