There was no one to whom he could in any way unburden his mind.
Walden, turning over a few papers on his desk, and wondering within himself when the good woman was going to unburden herself of her business.
When she had grown a little quieter he sat near her, and said, gently, "Will you unburden your heart to me, Elsbeth?
Then I felt compelled to unburden my heart by asking your pardon personally for the sorrow which I have caused you, and shall still have to cause you, for your time of suffering is not over yet.
Julia was there to unburdenher vexations to, or talk herself into a more congenial mood with.
But I pray you listen to me without love or hatred, as you would listen to a stranger whom death overtakes in your village, and who is anxious to unburden his soul before he goes hence.
They had come to look upon him as the destroyer, not only of their earthly, but even of their eternal hopes, and they were the first of his followers to unburden their minds.
These questions occupied the judge seriously, and one day, when they had been at the mandatar's together, he could not but unburden his heart to his friend.
The monotony of the situation was finally broken by the manager, as he proceeded to unburden himself of his intentions for the next entertainment.
And yet if it be not to the minister of religion to whom we poor creatures must unburden our woes, where else can we seek for consolation?
It removes any hesitation--any alarm, on my part, to unburden my soul to you!
I must unburden myself, or something will happen--something apoplectic.
It is a comfort and a pleasure to me to be able to unburden myself to your sympathetic heart.
To him no relief could be greater than to unburden his heart to a true friend in any pressing anxiety.
No, no, Henry, you cannot tell what a relief it will be to my mind to unburden my heart to you.
Johanna would have liked to help him to unburden his mind, but any mention of Magelone seemed to her to be indiscreet, so she merely remarked, "I cannot imagine any one's being too indolent to grasp an offered happiness.
She did not know that Otto had confessed everything to his aunt, and the old lady shrank from telling her, although she sometimes thought that Magelone's mind would be easier if she could unburden it freely.
This was exactly what Margaret wanted, to enable her to unburden her mind; and she now proceeded to tell the cause of her distress.
These benefits, this worship, that offer of happiness, only tended to render me from hour to hour more incapable to unburden to him my mind.
Willingly would I have said it to your own person, fully to unburdenmy conscience.
You ought to give satisfaction to your soul as soon as you can, and unburden your conscience of what you feel it burdened with.
You are worthy of torture, which, I tell you in truth and unburden my conscience thereof, unless you return to obedience with true humility, will fall upon you.
Was this an invitation to her to unburden herself?
There's nobody he can unburden himself to about it.
Clothes were the topic which Mrs. Eldridge seemed eager to discuss, and as if it were the one upon which she had only been waiting to unburden herself.
In a few minutes they were closeted with the chief, who knew King very well, and who added his assurances to those of Manning, that if he would unburden himself fully, no danger need be apprehended.
You do not consider me as your friend, for if you would look upon me as a friend worthy of your confidence, you would unburden your heart unto mine.
When alone with him, I said: “My lord, I thank you for your kindness in allowing me to unburden my heart to you.
It is only at the feet of Jesus Christ and His holy mother, that I must go tounburden my heart.
But as he would not pay the least attention to what I said, I felt the only thing I had to do was to remain silent and respect his grief, by letting himunburden his heart by his lamentations and tears.
If I did not unburden my mind once in a while I might not be able to stand it.
Then he would unburden himself of a great deal of unvarnished history.
A man who feels within himself a surplus of such powers of embellishment, concealment, and transfiguration will finally seek to unburden himself of this surplus in works of art.
Worst of all, he had no one to whom he could unburden his grievance.
Staniford had a mind to call him back, and ask him what he meant; but he refrained, and he went to bed at last resolved to unburden himself of the whole Hicks business once for all.
Enter, Hosea, and unburden thyself," continued the senator, like one prepared for some habitual communication.
Unburden thyself; I will listen, though thou recounted the assassination of my dearest friend.
The moment had come for Walkinshaw to unburden himself to his scheme.
The archdeacon hurried to his own territory, there to unburden his heart to his faithful partner.
People may deceive their physician, their lawyer, or the partner of their joys and sorrows; but to their country's representative in a strange land they unburden their hearts.
It would be very unwise to tell him her story before dinner, though she felt an intense desire to unburden herself of it at once.