But even a light field-piece on shore can shell and sink the sort of small, unarmored craft that must be used for mine-sweeping.
On deck were a folding periscope and a “gun arranged in water-tight, revolving turret for defense purposes or attack on unarmored surface craft.
Against unarmored ships, and against unarmored portions of ironclads, the value of rapid-firing guns, especially those of large caliber, can hardly be overestimated.
But there is the danger that an armored ship of an enemy may emerge from the fog or haze, or from out of the darkness at night, and then neither speed nor weight of gun-fire might save the unarmored ship.
Obviously, if the unarmored man had a gun of longer range than that carried by the protected man, he would be able to keep out of range of his enemy's gun, while still keeping him well within range.
It is true that with much more powerful guns than those of her enemy, an unarmored vessel would be able to shoot right through any armored protection opposed to them.
At sea, too, with the latest types of aeroplane, bombs of sufficient size and weight and power of penetration may be used destructively against unarmored or light-armored war-vessels.
The three knights were now fairly upon him, and with fine disregard for fair play, charged with couched spears the unarmored man on foot.
Norman of Torn sprang to the door, and, reckless of his unarmored condition, leaped to Sir Mortimer's back and spurred swiftly in the direction taken by the girl and her abductor.
They are to be built of steel, with the tensile strength and ductility prescribed by law, and in the combination of speed, endurance, and armament are expected to compare favorably with the bestunarmored war vessels of other nations.
There have been delays in the completion of unarmored vessels, but for the most part they have been such as are constantly occurring even in countries having the largest experience in naval shipbuilding.
Eight new unarmored cruisers and 2 new gunboats have also been commissioned.
But a shade more quickly, Jim sidestepped the terrible mandibles, leaped back along the armored body till he had reached the unarmored rear, and thrust his spear home with all his force.
Savagely he plunged his spear into the unarmored rear of the guard, tore it out, thrust again.
Six feet of vulnerable, unarmored body, amply protected by horny head and shoulders and ten feet of awful, scissor-mandibles, faced them.
His spear clanged on iron-hard horn as the termite swung its unwieldy head to protect its unarmored body.
That is the amount of destruction achieved in an unarmored ship by two rounds of shrapnel shell.
We hear sometimes that unarmored vessels are a match for ironclads and forts; and I will conclude this paper with a short extract from the official account of the results of firing shrapnel shell at an unprotected ship's side.
They were unarmored but otherwise in full battle gear, all standing in what the Ranger guessed might be the Traiti version of attention: relaxed yet alert, holding grounded blast rifles, right hands resting on dagger hilts.
The most serviceable was Admiral Montojo's flagship Reina Cristina, an unarmored cruiser of 3500 tons; the remaining half dozen were older ships of both wood and iron, some of them not able to get under way.
Under Farragut's energetic leadership, vessels both armored and unarmored passed with relatively slight injury the forts below New Orleans, at Vicksburg, and at the entrance to Mobile Bay.
Spain's list of unarmored cruisers is long, but four of our battle ships or swift, modern, armored cruisers could blow the lot out of the water.
This board reported that the United States should have twenty-one battleships, seventy unarmored cruisers of various sizes and types, twenty torpedo boats, five rams and five torpedo gunboats, all to be built of steel.
It was realized, too, that the essential characteristic in an unarmored cruiser is great speed.
Congress adopted his suggestion to the extent of authorizing, in 1884, the construction of two unarmored cruisers, two gunboats, and two armored cruisers.
The two latter were tinclads, the first an unarmored boat.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "unarmored" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.