As the amount of unaccounted for losses forms a basis on which to judge the accuracy of a test, such a schedule is called a "heat balance".
This item is frequently considered as a part of the unaccounted for loss, where an ultimate analysis of the fuel is not given.
Lack of data may, of course, make it necessary to include certain items of the second and ordinary classification in this unaccounted for group.
Thus, also, aberration and nutation resulted as residual phenomena from that portion of the changes of the apparent places of the fixed stars which was left unaccounted for by precession.
And thus again the apparent proper motions of the stars are the observed residues of their apparent movements outstanding and unaccounted for by strict calculation of the effects of precession, nutation, and aberration.
It was obvious that on Orote as at Fonte, there were many Japanese still unaccounted for and presumably ready still to fight to prevent the island’s capture.
Interesting and demonstrative as Mr. Hutton's essay is, he leaves a range of facts unaccounted for.
And, too, I want to prove my contention that there's no space unaccounted for.
They paced floors and measured walls and tapped ceilings, and proved to their own conviction that there was no foot of space in the whole structure unaccounted for.
So far as the sense of touch and hearing are concerned, we have here an action absolutely unaccounted for by any scientific law.
Did you mean you didn't want Mrs. Fowler unaccounted for?
There is ample evidence, however, of the fact that the Browns led a stormy life during the days they are reported "unaccounted for.
The presentment of Lord Holland with the plunder of “unaccounted millions” so frequently quoted, is placed beside the portrait of the patriotic Earl of Chatham, dowered with the “Rewards of a Grateful Nation.
Regardless of terminology the five names above leave no important fraction of the territoryunaccounted for.
In other words, he admits his ignorance concerning them, and dwells only on the accumulation of variations the appearance of which for any length of time in any given direction he leavesunaccounted for.
But beyond this, it was asserted that Lord Melville had himself acted in a similar way, and undoubtedly there were certain sums unaccounted for.
Surely there is too short an interval left unaccounted for to allow of great economic changes--to admit of the degeneracy of an original free village community if a widely spread institution, into a community in serfdom.
This last is hardly a story of unaccounted for disappearance.
Morris considers it as another form of hyne, a peasant, or hind, but leaves the phonetic difference of vowel unaccounted for; the words are clearly distinct.
But as the stroke through the h or mark of contraction still remained unaccounted for, it was turned into a cross!
Estimates were made to support the position that a large balance of public money was unaccounted for.
To what account should time shown by idle cards, and time unaccounted for, be charged, and how should it be distributed?
This rule should not be so rigidly enforced, however, as to encourage a man in padding the time on individual jobs to reconcile the total for the day with his clock record; it is far better to have a few minutes unaccounted for.
The cost of time shown on indirect labor cards, and of all time unaccounted for, should be charged to the department under some such caption as Department Waste, never to the specific jobs on which the man has worked.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "unaccounted" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.