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Example sentences for "tumblerful"

Lexicographically close words:
tumbe; tumble; tumbled; tumbledown; tumbler; tumblers; tumbles; tumbleth; tumbleweed; tumbling
  1. The juice of one lemon, a tumblerful of cold water, pounded sugar to taste, half a small teaspoonful of carbonate of soda.

  2. An ordinary tumblerful equals 1 coffeecupful, or half a pint.

  3. When used, pour two tablespoonfuls to a tumblerful of ice-water.

  4. He held the tumblerful of liquid to his lips and swallowed the lot.

  5. Then the aged drunken idiot swallowed another tumblerful of whisky and fell forward on his knees.

  6. The old man gave Macka a friendly nudge and at once lifted a bottle and began to pour out a tumblerful of Parsons's best Bougainville Three Star.

  7. A dessert-spoonful, or more, to a tumblerful of water.

  8. A tumblerful of cold spring water, either with or without a few grains of bicarbonate of potash in it, taken just before lying down, will frequently succeed with the dyspeptic and nervous, when all other means fail.

  9. An ounce of it dissolved in a tumblerful of water furnishes a solution which is similar to Labarraque's disinfecting fluid.

  10. Now I advise that you drink a tumblerful of milk for your breakfast—’ “‘A whole tumblerful!

  11. Good domestic emetics are a teaspoonful of mustard in a tumblerful of water, or a tablespoonful of salt in the same quantity of water.

  12. To one tumblerful vinegar, warmed in a stewpan, add four beaten eggs; stir for a few minutes till cooked like boiled custard.

  13. When it is perfectly cold add one tumblerful cream, into which has been mixed one tablespoonful salt, one tablespoonful mustard, two spoonfuls sugar, and one spoonful bruised celery-seed.

  14. Cut a hare into fillets and stew them with a mince of chickens' livers, truffles, shalots in a rich brown gravy with a tumblerful of champagne in it.

  15. When brown, add a dessert-spoonful of flour, a tumblerful of Chablis, and a pint of stock.

  16. Then stir in two tablespoonfuls of flour, and five minutes after add a tumblerful of stock, a wineglass of white wine, a bouquet of mixed herbs, and half a pound of peeled tomatoes, with all the pips carefully removed.

  17. I mixed this quantity of salts in a tumblerful of water, with a good dose of quinine, bidding her drink two-thirds of it, and give the remainder to her daughter, who evidently needed it as much as she did.

  18. Her share was soon disposed of with hardly more than a grimace, to the infinite enjoyment of a fat, black slave-girl who was standing by, and who knew from personal experience what a tumblerful meant.

  19. Suddenly he looked up, and called for brandy; and to my surprise, and I fear admiration, he drank nearly half a tumblerful of that poison undiluted, with a composure that spoke of habitual use.

  20. Marston drew a long breath, and poured himself out half a tumblerful of brandy.

  21. Gurth poured out some brandy--a little for himself, nearly a tumblerful for Ralph.

  22. Every tumblerful taken from that bucket in the future will contain some traces of the colouring or flavouring put into each tumbler whose contents have been returned to the bucket.

  23. We may take out another tumblerful of water from that bucket, but we can never again get exactly the same tumblerful after it has once been mingled with the rest.

  24. As each tumbler is dipped into the bucket it takes out from it a tumblerful of water (the separate soul).

  25. A tumblerful of water with or without a teaspoonful of salt, or a tumblerful of any alkaline water charged with carbonic acid, taken on rising in the morning, may prove effective.

  26. The soda, dissolved in lukewarm water, may be given first and followed by the acid in solution, or, better, the mixed powders may be swallowed in the dry state and followed by a tumblerful of water.

  27. But Captain Langton did not appear to heed him; he poured out half a tumblerful and drank it, while the butler looked on in amazement.

  28. The butler and the groom at Darrell Court swore to having felt some little alarm at seeing the deceased drink more than half a tumblerful of brandy.

  29. They trooped down into the cabin wet and exhausted, and the steward served them each out half a tumblerful of good French brandy.

  30. Then he poured out a tumblerful of whiskey, as the observers judged it was from its color, and drank it off.

  31. The bottle was in his way; and after he had drunk off half a tumblerful of its contents, he removed it to the pantry.

  32. Take a teaspoonful in a tumblerful of milk three times a day, between meals.

  33. Owing to the inflammation of the membranes of the eyes, the patient should be kept in a darkened chamber, and the eyes occasionally bathed with a solution of borax, by dissolving half a teaspoonful in a tumblerful of water.

  34. Or, for a change, a tea-spoonful of Henry's Magnesia, in half a tumblerful of warm water.

  35. When a youth is delicate, it is an excellent plan to give him, every morning before he leaves his bed, a tumblerful of new milk.

  36. Five drops should be put into a small tumblerful of cold water; and a teaspoonful of the mixture, first stirred, should be taken four times in the day.

  37. One or two tablespoonfuls are mixed with a tumblerful of very hot water.

  38. Come, Trent, what stake will you have me set up against that other tumblerful of brandy.

  39. Fifty pounds against a tumblerful--positively there is no more--a tumblerful of brandy.

  40. Slice of bread and butter; tumblerful of hot rain-water sipped at bedtime.

  41. Tumblerful of hot water (preferably distilled) to which senna leaves and German camomile flowers (very little) have been steeped to infuse; or a cupful of dandelion coffee could be taken if the bowels are regularly acting.

  42. A tumblerful of Sanum Tonic Tea made with hot, preferably distilled, water.

  43. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "tumblerful" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.