When playing for the odd trick, be cautious of trumping out, especially if your partner be likely to trump a suit; make all the tricks you can early, and avoid finessing.
Another term for trumping a suit other than trumps.
There was an absolute echo of my own tone in "trumping up any charge," and I thought the echo sounded even more insincere.
It would be too dreadful if such a creature could turn the tables on Mr. Raffles by trumping up any charge against him!
Another important item in connection with trumping a doubtful card is whether one desires the lead, or does not wish for it.
We have the chance of trumping a doubtful card, and we refuse to make even one of our trumps, and throw away a certain trick if our partner does not hold the winning card of that suit.
No selection is made of any particular suit for trumps, but for trumpingpurposes the suits ascend in power, in Bridge order, from spades to hearts.
Before playing this twelfth card, winning cards should be played in order to prevent the second player getting rid of a loser and then trumping the winning card.
The same principle applies to trumping as to discarding.
When your fourth-best trump is a medium card, such as an eight, trumping with the eight may imperil a trick later on.
Information as to the number of trumps you hold can be similarly communicated when you have more than four trumps, by trumping with the fourth-best and then leading the fourth-best of those remaining.
You echo, by trumping with the five, and you then lead the eight.
A plays a masterly coup in trumping with the four.
When he has already shown a desire to be forced, or weakness in trumps, as by trumping a doubtful card, or by refraining from forcing you.
It is conversely a disadvantage to trump a doubtful card when you are strong in trumps, for by trumping you weaken your numerical power, and diminish the probability of your bringing in a suit.
Though his play is very good, A's coup in trumping with the four, so as to render B's coup possible, is entitled to the palm.
Also, when about to lead high trumps after a force, there is no occasion to run any risk by trumping with any but the lowest, as the high cards led will of themselves indicate how many trumps you now hold (not how many you held originally).
And trumping up the necessity of seeing her own family, she left the notary alone in Valencia, going with her boy to spend the summer on the coast of Catalunia near the French frontier.
And the imposing dame, trumping up an insignificant pretext, so as to facilitate their love-making was about to go out when the drapery of the door between the salon and office was raised.
Trumping your partner's trick to put the lead through the strong hand.
If you take the first trick by trumping a suit, your play is then dependent upon the value of your remaining trumps and the turn-up.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "trumping" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.