It was also perceiued which was that crosse by a miracle (as it is reported, but how trulie I can not tell) that should be wrought thereby: for being laid to a sicke woman, onlie with the touching thereof she was healed.
And thus far touching sir Simon Burlie, of whom manie reports went of his disloiall dealings towards the state, as partlie ye haue heard, but how trulie the lord knoweth.
If I would: trulie in this behalfe I make no more account of you, than of the vilest skullions in my kitchen.
Okland speaketh no lesse trulie & according to the report of our annales, than honorablie: [Sidenote: In Angl.
Trulie the one head thereof commeth from by west of Sancrete, the other from by west of an hill that standeth betweene them both, and ioining aboue Remels, it is not long yer they salute their grandame.
From which speech in like sort some deriue the word Laistow, as if it should be trulie written Lath stow, a place wherein to laie vp or laie on things, of whatsoeuer condition.
And trulie the estimation and credit that we yeeld and giue vnto compound medicines made with forren drugs, is one great cause wherefore the full knowledge and vse of our owne simples hath bene so long raked vp in the imbers.
Trulie it is a rare thing with vs now, to heare of a courtier which hath but his owne language.
Yes I saw two trulie to my thinking, but they ranne away as fast as their hands could beare them.
She never did incense my Princely Father To the destruction of his loving sonne: Oh she was vertuous, trulie naturall, But this step-divell doth promise our fall.
And yet by his last will he commanded that it should be dulie and trulie performed, but in the meane season many mens coffers were emptied.
Trulie to die in defense of the countrie where we are borne, I confesse it a woorthie thing, and I for my part am readie to take vpon me to enter into the midst of the enimies in defense of my kingdome.
To which purpose it is properlie and trulie said, Lis odium gignit, charos concordia stringit.
And first you shall vnderstand, that in the beginning of this kings reigne the land trulie seemed to be blessed of God: for the earth became fruitfull, the aire temperate, and the sea calme and quiet.
Here he heard newes, which were as vntrue as they trulie were reported to him in Normandie; that Rice ap Thomas, and Iohn Sauage, with bodie and goods, were determined to aid king Richard.
Wherevpon it is trulie said of a late poet, [Sidenote: Antithesis de Christi & papae facinorb.
And if ye may trulie prooue that anie person was thereabouts, the matter shall be demeaned as the case shall require: so that he shall know it is to our great displeasure.
And who so euer taketh anie of those that from this daie foorth accompanie with him, shall haue fiue marks for his reward, trulie to be paid in maner and forme aboue said.
The citizens of London granted him fiue thousand marks, which were seized of the fiue and twentie wards: which fiue thousand marks was trulie repaid againe in the next yeare following.
Because it may cut by himselfe, for trulie my freende, I am a man of peace, and weare weapons but for facion.
Trulie no, for they are naught and so art thou, If thou hast no better qualities, stand by.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "trulie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.