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Example sentences for "true wisdom"

  • To this it is true wisdom to attach ourselves, assenting to what is revealed where above our faculties, we do not say contradictory to them, on the credit of what is clearly discerned, and satisfactorily established.

  • It is the part of true wisdom to endeavour to excel there, where we may really attain to excellence.

  • We shall then speak a word of this that is supposed, and then of that which is expressed, the descriptions of true wisdom, and pretended wisdom.

  • Living right is the first point of true wisdom.

  • It is humility to seek no more, and it is true wisdom to be content with no less.

  • This, indeed, is the beginning of the fear of God, which the wise preacher calls “the beginning of true wisdom.

  • God's mildness corrects us; inasmuch as he deals kindly with us, in shortening the days of this miserable life; and so weaning our affections from all its transitory enjoyments, and teaching us true wisdom.

  • Job Chapter 28 Man's industry searcheth out many things: true wisdom is taught by God alone.

  • True wisdom is convinced that reason has not been given to man to grope in the dark in respect to the most momentous questions of life; that reason, though limited and liable to err, is given him to find the truth.

  • True wisdom is convinced that continuity in human thinking and in knowledge is necessary.

  • If that, called the Wisdom of this World, had no Resemblance of true Wisdom, the Name of Wisdom, I suppose, had not been given to it.

  • To provide Things relative to our outward Living, in the Way of true Wisdom, is good; and the Gift of improving in Things useful is a good Gift, and comes from the Father of Lights.

  • I spoke in my foregoing Chapter of those three qualities of true wisdom, which a University, absolutely and nakedly 15 considered, apart from the safeguards which constitute its integrity, is sure to compromise.

  • Open-eyed consideration of the facts is true wisdom.

  • True wisdom is found in fellowship with God.

  • The secret of blessedness and test of true wisdom lie in a sane estimate of the worth of God's loving-kindness as compared with all other treasures.

  • True wisdom is in leaning On Jesus Christ, our Lord; True wisdom is in trusting His own life-giving word; True wisdom is in living Near Jesus every day; True wisdom is in walking Where he shall lead the way.

  • But when such conviction is secured, it is the part of true manliness to acknowledge it, and of true wisdom to make the required change.

  • True wisdom, then, will say to the young, Love, but love not blindly.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "true wisdom" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
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