Sunday the minister sed evrybudy cood get the gratest cumfort from the bible whatever his truble was.
Pewts father sed becaus he always does get the other boys into truble and father kind of smiled and handed the records to him and sed whose writing is that.
Thei that war within answered gentilye, "Best it war unto yow to returne to your awin houssis; for the man ye call the Cardinall has receaved his reward, and in his awin persone will truble the warld no more.
To whome he answered, "Departe, and trubleme not, ye messingeris of Sathan.
Butt and yf trubleunlooked for apprehend yow, acknowledge the caus, and turne to God, for he is mercifull.
That new truble so greatlie displeased Johne Knox, that he almost geve ower farther travalling for amytie.
And thus I cease farther totruble your Lordship, whom God assist.
And thus gat Sathan the secund fall, efter that he haid begun to truble the estait of the religioun, ones establissit by law.
And this wes proclamet at the Croce efter nyne houris at nycht; and sa that truble quyetted.
Yit wald thay nott be forbiddin, bot wald disobey and truble the Towne, especiallie upone the nycht.
My Dear Friend Still:--We will once more truble you opon this great cause of freedom, as we know that you are a man, that are never fatuged in Such a glorious cause.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "truble" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.