He opened his treasures and took out rich garments and cloths, with ten talents in gold and two splendidtripods and a golden cup of matchless workmanship.
She found him busy at his forge making tripods for his own use, so artfully constructed that they moved forward of their own accord when wanted, and retired again when dismissed.
The firing was too heavy to mount the tripods in the trenches during the daytime, so placing the guns was deferred until night.
For some reason it was not practicable to place the tripods on the night of the 2d, and they were finally placed on the night of the 3d; Serg.
Eight rough tripods already awaited them at the shooting-range, and each tripod had its upright piece of eighteen-inch plank at the top, to which a pasteboard target was now to be firmly fastened.
Kodak Tripods Metal Tripods [Illustration] These tripods have the qualities that make for service as well as good appearance.
She found him sweating, at his bellows huge 460 Toiling industrious; tripods bright he form'd Twenty at once, his palace-wall to grace Ranged in harmonious order.
Fat flocks and beeves May be by force obtain'd, tripods and steeds Are bought or won, but if the breath of man Once overpass its bounds, no force arrests Or may constrain the unbodied spirit back.
The feet of the ring tripodspreviously described, furnish highly interesting specimens of this process, and prove the progress made by the Assyrians in it.
Beyond the phallic shrine That tripods light, I pledge with holy wine An image white; Anadyomene, Than foam more fair, When from the ravished sea She rose to air.
Such is the case with one of the so-called Roman tripods in the Museum of the Scottish Antiquaries, which was found in its present imperfect state at a depth of five feet below the surface, in a moss near Closeburn Hall, Dumfriesshire.
And by them were placed tripods for the guests, made of gold, two hundred in number, so that there were two for every couch, and they rested on silver pedestals.
And Theopompus uses the following language--"For anciently the temple was adorned with brazen offerings: I do not mean statues, but caldrons and tripods made of brass.
They have telescopic sights on their rifles, and these rifles are mounted on little tripods so that they can fix their aim immovably on some spot where they think they have seen a movement; and the next time the movement comes, ping!
Only I don't think they can use the tripods up in the trees.
There are a number of tripods in this group, some of which have the deeply incised ornaments and others the shallow ones.
Two important groups, the high tripods and the two handled cups or pots, are generally discolored by use over fire, but we cannot say with confidence whether that use was a domestic one or whether it was ceremonial.
Shallow vessels are invariably mounted upontripods and a few of the deeper forms are so equipped.
Bowls, which form a leading feature of the pottery of most primitive peoples, are here rarely seen, excepting as mounted upon tripods or annular bases.
Annular bases and tripods would be of little use until level floors of unyielding material came into vogue.
It is one of the largest tripodsin the collection and is characterized by a high widely expanded lip and a long conical body and by legs of unusual size and conformation.
The handles, single or in twos, are upright loops, and the tripods are in nearly all cases looped or annular, an unusual feature in other groups.
Undoubtedly, and there are my three tripods strung together already.
She found him in a sweat About his bellows, and in haste had twenty tripods beat.
On high, silvery tripods three immense globes stood, and it was from them that the rose glow emanated.
The rosy lights upon the tripods began to die away, and as they faded the milky globes gleamed forth brighter, ever brighter.
There were dim and mysterious mirrors, before which stood brazen tripodswhose fumes, as they wreathed upward, gleamed with dusky fires.
There were three of these little tripods of earthenware placed between each plate.
It is here that great care has to be exercised in keeping the pieces from coming in contact with each other; spurs andtripods are placed between each piece to obviate this.
Whatever it was that thosetripods projected--a new ray it must be--it was melting a passage six hundred miles long.
With one mirror: Firmly set one of the tripods upon the ground; attach the mirror bar to the tripod; insert and clamp in the sockets the sun mirror and sighting rod, the latter having the disk turned down.
The tripods are similar in all respects, the screw of either threading into the mirror bar or screen frame.
In setting up the tripods always see that the legs have a sufficient spread to give a secure base and on yielding soil press firmly into the ground.
He was able to bestow on his workmanship self-motion, so that the tripods (chairs and tables) could move of themselves in and out of the celestial hall.
He opened his treasuries and took out rich garments and cloths, with ten talents in gold and two splendid tripods and a golden cup of matchless workmanship.
The two women who went for the water place the tripods over the fire and while songs are sung, the pot is passed to them with the red painted sticks.
There followed a brief delay, while a plan of maneuver was made and expounded, while the tripods were set up, the cameras screwed on, and the ropers moved out to their appointed places.
The cameras had been screwed to the tripods and covered with our coats to protect them from the sun.
In course of tile third circuit, the tripods were coolly picked up and returned to their several places in the procession.
Between the sections into which the column was divided there marched small groups, apparently officers, clad in gowns and vestments, carrying insignia and smoking tripods well known to have belonged to various priesthoods of mythologic fame.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "tripods" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.