In hast whereof, most heartily I pray Your Highnesse to assigne our Triall day King.
Farewell, my Lord, securely I espy Vertue with Valour, couched in thine eye: Order the triall Marshall, and begin Mar.
Whervpon he first asked Gonorilla the eldest, how [Sidenote: A triall of loue.
This bodie & this bloud of our Lord Iesus Christ, be vnto thee a triall this daie.
Howbeit, yer the matter came to the vttermost triall of battell, through the earnest sute of [Sidenote: A peace concluded.
William, who at that time was readie to make a iournie against the Britains, and tooke earle Harold with him to haue his companie in armes in that iournie, that he might haue the better triall of his valiancie.
I say this house is as darke as Ignorance, thogh Ignorance were as darke as hell; and I say there was neuer man thus abus'd, I am no more madde then you are, make the triall of it in any constant question Clo.
Then is your cause gone too: The Duke's vniust, Thus to retort your manifest Appeale, And put your triall in the villaines mouth, Which here you come to accuse Luc.
My precious Queene forbeare, And giue true euidence to his Loue, which stands An honourable Triall Cleo.
Onely make triall what your Loue can do, For Rome, towards Martius Mene.
He shall be throwne downe the Tarpeian rock With rigorous hands: he hath resisted Law, And therefore Law shall scorne him furtherTriall Then the seuerity of the publike Power, Which he so sets at naught 1 Cit.
How canst thou tell she will deny thy suite, Before thou make a triall of her loue?
Then God forgiue the sinne of all those soules, That to their euerlasting residence, Before the dew of euening fall, shall fleete In dreadfull triall of our kingdomes King Fran.
England thou hast not sau'd one drop of blood In this hot triall more then we of France, Rather lost more.
O deere Father, Make not too rash a triall of him, for Hee's gentle, and not fearfull Pros.
That shall not be much amisse: yet, as the matter now stands, he will auoid your accusation: he made triall of you onelie.
Mithich domh triall gu tigh Pharais"--"It is time for me to go up unto the House of Paradise.
Yours equall as mine owne, which by triall you shall best know, IOHN DAVIS.
There is much to be sayd of the commodities of these Countreys, which are couched within the bowels of the earth, which I let passe till more perfect triall be made thereof.
Who hath gone for triall sake at any time this way out of Europe to Cathayo?
I saw not the triall hereof, but it was reported vnto me of a trueth: by the verture whereof we supposed it to be the sea Vnicorne.
He does bear his loss with such a noble strength Of patience that, Had fortune eyes to see him, she would weep For having hurt him, and pretending that Shee did it but for triall of his worth: Hereafter ever love him.
And if peraduenture any strife arise about the same bargaine, the triall and inquirie thereof shall be made according to the vses and customes of the fayres and townes where it chanced that the said bargaine was made and contracted.
But gathering up my selfe by further consideration, [34] I resolved yet to make one triall more, and to aquainte M^r.
Alas poore miser that I am, that for the onely desire to see a game of triall of weapons, am fallen into these miseries and wretched snares of misfortune.
Batten at Portsmouth to send for him up against next Wednesday, being our triall day against Field at Guildhall, in which God give us good end.
I saw not the triall hereof, but it was reported unto me of a truth; by the vertue thereof we supposed it to be the Sea Unicorne.
Now without stirre or hazard theyle be tane And boldlytriall dare and law demaund; Besides, this accusation may be forg'd By mallice or mistaking.
Father, thetriall of your skill I finde: My Love's transformde into another kinde: And so I finde and yet have lost my love.
The maner for the triall of causes in controuersie, was deuised in such sort as is yet vsed.
A trialltir eas ruaidh romhainn, is beag na’r obair mo fhà il, Fa ruathar geillt glinne, do fhileas mise a Ghrainne.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "triall" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.