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Example sentences for "trench mortar"

  • Second and third attempts proved equally unsuccessful, and after the 23rd December attacks were discontinued though the enemy portion of Essex Trench was kept under constant trench mortar fire.

  • Apparently the enemy's trench mortar preparation, severe as it had been, had not dealt effectively with our wire, for the leading wave of attackers was delayed in getting through it, causing those following to bunch up to it.

  • This shoot produced a certain amount of trench mortar retaliation on Guards Trench, in the course of which an unlucky shell destroyed a Stokes mortar section under 2/Lieut.

  • Sanders, who was attached to the 139th Trench Mortar Battery, and B.

  • Otherwise our casualties during the actual battle had not been heavy, amounting to three killed, two missing (attached to Trench Mortar Battery) and 37 wounded.

  • A patrol of one officer and nine other ranks of the 1st Irish Fusiliers, examining the results of trench mortar fire on the German wire, was ambushed by a party of about thirty Germans.

  • How strongly the line was held was shown by the capture of eight machine-guns, as well as a trench mortar.

  • Bell, 9th Inniskillings, attached 109th Trench Mortar Battery, who likewise had bestowed on him that last honour.

  • One of the forward Companies would have to send a special party to deal with the "Goose" trench mortar.

  • Serjeant Needham stormed a trench mortar emplacement, himself accounting for most of the crew.

  • He himself superintended the work inside the crater, where he had a miraculous escape from a trench mortar, which wounded all standing round him.

  • The flagged course was set out very elaborately at Hesdigneul, and not only was each trench shown, but small notice boards denoted the position of every supposed machine gun, trench mortar, or deep dug-out.

  • We took twenty-one prisoners, with one machine gun and one trench mortar, but had two officers killed and two wounded, while among the men there were fifty-nine casualties.

  • The left sector occasionally received attention in the form of trench mortar shooting, which, we remembered, was characteristic of that corner of France, but it was not sufficient to cause any serious results.

  • We went in during the night when it was fairly quiet, and we took over the gun positions, from a trench mortar crew.

  • Only once did Fritz blow in the entrance with a trench mortar, and then we had to dig ourselves out.

  • A machine gun battery in a strong point just ahead held out, and a trench mortar on our left supported us, and our few lads did the rest.

  • I looked down, and at the depth of about twelve feet was a trench mortar.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "trench mortar" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    arose from; case reported; critical examination; dead calm; dearest brother; divine faith; earlier agreement; foreign courts; inseparable from; laid down; metres high; much lower; naughty girl; ripe tomatoes; should please; simmer till; sometimes quite; surprise when; then take them out; trench life; trench mortar; trench mortars; trench warfare; what shall; when last