My dear Paul, it's very weak and silly of me, I know, to be so trembly and shaky from head to foot; but I am so very queer that I must ask you for a glass of wine and a morsel of that cake.
Well I am seeking the Earl of Clincham he began in a trembly voice are you by any chance him he added most respectfully.
The strange, musky odor was quite familiar to him; he sniffed at it with trembly pink nose.
Agnes Trembly will try to give me her customers when she is married; she always speaks a good word for me.
Agnes Tremblycame yesterday to make me a new blue wrapper; I like to have her sew here with me.
I knew he was taken with Agnes Trembly that first time he met her here.
Jim said it made him all over trembly and feverish to be so close to freedom.
XI Looking back now I can remember dressing the next morning, all trembly and with my hands damp, and my face in the glass, white and pinched like an East Side baby's in a hot wave.
But there wasn't anythingtrembly about the thinking part of me.
But here I tosses around restless in the feathers, and am up at daybreak goin' over my piece again, trembly in the knees, with a vivid mental picture of how cheap I'd feel if I should go to pieces when the time came.
Blair, his lips blue and trembly and the tears beginnin' to trickle down his nose.
William Trembly and James Harrold, while in San Francisco, inquired at the different musical stores as to arrangements to obtain a piano.
Uncle William Trembly came from San Francisco to Benicia to meet me, and together we came up the San Joaquin slough, but unfortunately for us we had many things to keep us from arriving in time to see her alive.