Her mind was bent on arresting any recurrence to the project she had so frequently outlined in the tongue of innuendo, of which, because of her repeated tremblings under it, she thought him a master.
Cherry laughed a soft little laugh, and her fears and tremblings ceased for the time being.
Petronella heaved a long sigh, and her tremblings gradually ceased.
In 1872 a disturbance was felt farther west, the whole range of the Sierra Nevada mountains being violently shaken and the earth tremblings extending into the State of Nevada.
The burning of the mountain was seen 100 miles away, while the thunders of its convulsions and the tremblings of the earth reached the same distance.
Sulphurous vapors filled the air and violent tremblings of the earth were constant.
These are usually tremblings lasting from ten seconds to a minute and just heavy enough to wake light sleepers or to shake dishes about on the shelves.
I have experienced several of such tremblings in Santo Domingo and have never been able to ward off a kind of creepy feeling when the rattling of windows and doors indicated their approach and passage.
Since that date there have been no severe shocks, though, as is the case in other West India Islands, slight tremblings of the earth are not infrequent.
When I looked up from that prayer, much to my own astonishment, and to the astonishment of the friend who was with me, the tremblings of those fine American boys had perceptibly ceased.
And back of the tremblings of these boys that night, thank God, I had the glory of seeing their immortal souls, and to me the soul of an American boy under fire and pain is the biggest, finest, most tremendous thing on earth.
Another folk-lore explanation in Japan attributes the cause of the tremblings of the earth to a subterranean monster whose head lies in the north of the island of Hondo, while his tail lies between the two principal cities.
Amid shakings and tremblings of the earth's crust, known as earthquakes, there are occasionally heard noises like the explosion of huge guns.
Whole mountains, indeed, fall in, and in an instant from the mighty shock tremblings spread themselves far and wide from that centre.
Then chilling tremblings o'er his body creep, Till worn-out nature is compell'd to sleep.
Like pensive herds at rest upon the sands, These to the sea-horizons turn their eyes; Out of their folded feet and clinging hands Bitter sharptremblings and soft languors rise.
I feel the tremblings of all passions known To ships before the breeze; Cradled by gentle winds, or tempest-blown I pass the abysmal seas That are, when calm, the mirror level and fair Of my despair!
By some it has been used to designate ordinary cases of Palsy, in which some slight tremblings have occurred; whilst by others it has been applied to certain anomalous affections, not belonging to Palsy.
Unless attention is paid to one circumstance, this disease will be confounded with those species of passive tremblings to which the term Shaking Palsies has frequently been applied.
It is a fine gentle purger both of flegm and melancholy: it strengthens the brain and nerves, and senses both internal and external, helps tremblings of the heart, stays vomiting, provokes appetite.
Tremblings withal and commendable fears, Small jealousies, and triumphs good or bad, Let others that know more speak as they know.
But the tremblings and warnings still sounded, and the people searched for the stable Middle.
When thetremblings grew still for a time, the people paused at the First of Sitting Places.
It may be imagined with what inward tremblings I took on the duties of the new job the next day.
I was deeply grateful that it was too dark for Mary Everton to see with what teeth-chatterings and reactionarytremblings I was letting down the hammer of the rifle when she came up.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "tremblings" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.