Mr. Jay never visited thetownhouse unless his business was very urgent indeed.
Reaching the street and turning up the walk toward the hotel, he had a glimpse of the townhouse a hundred yards away.
The townhouselay off to his left, and he found himself staring at it, thinking that she was in there somewhere, wondering what she did with her mornings.
The dead man and Jim Palma were the pair he had seen come out of the back of the townhouse two days ago!
This morning he entered the small townhouse courtroom and took his seat with great dignity.
They reached the kitchen door of the townhouse at a remarkable moment when the entire sky was aglow, burning scarlet beyond the bleak western peaks and cooling down to a grayish pink in the east as night seeped into it.
Here in Paris he ran a worldwide business from a gray stonetownhouse situated on the Left Bank in an obscure cul-de-sac at the intersection of Saint-Andre des Arts and rue de l'Ancienne Comedie.
Once he reached the ARM office there, a small inconspicuous townhouse in South Kensington, he faxed the list to Athens, then caught a plane.
About midnight they left to go home, and some men who had come out from the townhouse to cool off watched to see which way they went.
The townhouse was always built on the level bottom lands by the river in order that the people might have smooth ground for their dances and ballplays and might be able to go down to water during the dance.
The dance had not yet begun and Tsuwe'nahi took the hunter into the townhouse and showed him a seat near the fire, but it had long thorns of honey locust sticking out from it and he was afraid to sit down.
The old townhouse was upon a large mound on the west side of the river and about five miles below the Georgia line.
They got all their property ready for moving, and then went again into the townhouse and began their fast.
The warriors of the old town of Nikwasi', on the head of Little Tennessee, gathered their wives and children into the townhouse and kept scouts constantly on the lookout for the presence of danger.
The Bears were the first to meet in council in their townhouse under Kuwa'hi mountain, the "Mulberry place," and the old White Bear chief presided.
Others say they were built by the ancestors of the old Ani'-Kitu'hwagi for townhouse foundations, so that the townhouses would be safe when freshets came.
The earth was piled up around it, and the whole mound was finished off smoothly, and then the townhouse was built upon it.
So they sent messengers for them, and the boys came and sat down in the middle of the townhouse and began to sing.
In the townhouse of their settlement at the mouth of Tellico they had an upright pole, from the top of which hung their protecting "medicine," the image of a human figure cut from a cedar log.
They all wanted to see Tsul`kalu', who owned all the game in the mountains, so they went into the townhouse and began the fast.
Broad St., but was demolished in 1979 to make way for the Tollgate Townhouse Development.
While the house still stands, it has been renovated and surrounded by a townhouse complex known as Rowell Court, and bears no resemblance to the original structure.
Another expression of frequent occurrence is to the effect that the disease animals have formed a settlement or established a townhouse in the patient’s body.
Here we finished our matters of money, and I delivered into his hands seven thousand eight hundred pistoles in bills and money, a copy of an assignment on the townhouse of Paris for four thousand pistoles, at three per cent.
The meetinghouse, a little south of the site of Dane Hall, was used both as church and as townhouse until 1708, when a building was erected in the middle of Harvard Square to serve for town meetings and courts.
Accordingly, a bigger townhouse was built in 1832 on the eastern part of the poorhouse lot, and thus was the civic centre removed from Old Cambridge.
The mansion thus had a little of the character of a feudal manor house, as well as some of the appearance of an English townhouse that abuts the street, with the seclusion of its yards and gardens defended by walls.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "townhouse" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.