For whereas it was giuen out, that the townesmen wanted water in old Salisburie, it is flat otherwise; sith that hill is verie plentifullie serued with springs and wels of verie swéet water.
The verie furthest head and originall of this riuer is in Henham, a large parke belonging to the earle of Sussex, wherein (as the townesmen saie) are foure springs that run foure sundrie waies into the maine sea.
But the Flemish writers saie, the Englishmen set fire in foure parts of the towne indeed, that they might the more freelie haue robbed in other parts thereof, whilest the townesmen had gone about to quench the fire.
But the townesmen bent on reuenge, assembled togither in great numbers, and falling on the Englishmen slue thirtie of their horssemen and of their footmen to the number of seuen hundred, or thereabouts.
In the same towne (whether by infection of aire, or by corrupt vittels, which the townesmen did eat) a great pestilence shortlie after happened, which consumed within a small time two parts of the people.
The earle of Huntington and his companie seeing the force of the townesmen to increase, fled out on the backside, intending to repaire to the armie which they found dispersed and gone.
Which when the lord Lisle Adam capteine of the towne perceiued, he opened the gate towards Paris, by the which he with all his retinue, and diuerse of the townesmen to the number of ten thousand in all, (as Enguerant de Monstr.
The townesmen that would remaine still in their houses, were sworne to be true subiects to the king; and the other which refused, departed with the souldiers.
The magistrats herewith amazed, called all the townesmen togither to know their minds and opinions.
For whereas it was giuen out, that the townesmen wanted water in old Salisburie, it is flat otherwise; sith that hill is verie plentifullie serued with springs and wels of verie sweet water.
The townesmen being called to an accompt excused themselues by the mariners, burdening them with all the fault.
The townesmen were not verie earnest in pursuing of them, bicause of the kings proclamation and ordinance before time made in fauour of the Jewes: [Sidenote: The slaughter made of the Jews at Lin.
Sidenote: The end and award made of the quarrell betwixt the Vniuersitie and townesmen of Oxford.
Thus much touching those troubles betwixt the townesmen of Burie & the abbat and moonks there, and now we will returne to other generall matters touching the publike state of the realme.
This yeare, the tenth of Februarie, there rose a sore debate betwixt the scholers and townesmen of Oxenford.
Sidenote: The quarrell appeased betwixt the scholers and townesmen of Oxenford.
But at Newport the townesmen set vp the earles banner, and assailing those that were come into the towne, slue diuerse of them.
Sidenote: The townesmen of saint Albons not yet quieted.
The hatred which the townesmen had conceiued against the abbat and conuent of S.
The townesmen feigned as though they had beene sorie to see such rule kept against the moonks, where in déed they had set the commons in hand with all these things.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "townesmen" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.