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Example sentences for "togidder"

Lexicographically close words:
togged; toggery; toggle; toggled; toggles; togider; togither; togs; togyder; tohunga
  1. Thare hes scho found Faith, Hope, and Charitie, Togidder with the Vertues Cardinall.

  2. We are couplit[40] with twa fals races; the devil sinder us and God knit us togidder for ever, for the maist faithfull coupill that ever He unitit.

  3. We are coupled with twa fals racis; the devill syndere us, and God mot knit us togidder for ever for the maist faithful cupple that ever he unitit.

  4. And I crave na uther thing bot yat we may be at bed and buird togidder as husband and wyfe; and gif ze wil not consent heirunto I sall never ryse out of yis bed.

  5. We ar couplit with twa fals races; the devil sinder us, and God knit us togidder for ever, for the maist faithful coupill that ever be unitit.

  6. And I crafit na uther thing, bot yat we may be at bed and buird togidder as husband and wyfe; and gif ze wil not consent heirunto, I sall never ryse out of yis bed.

  7. The Reidar of the Greek shall interpreit some booke of Plato, togidder with some place of the New Testament.

  8. Schort after the said Parliament, war send from the counsall Ambassadouris to England, the Erles Mortoun and Glencarne, togidder with William Maitland of Lethingtoun youngare.

  9. The Lordis war never togidder fyve hundreth horsmen, with a hundreth souldiouris; and yitt thai held the Frenche so busye, that for everie horse thai slew to the Congregatioun, thai lost foure Frenche souldiouris.

  10. Siluya, the eldest sister, with a schowt, Hir handis clappyng fast hir schulderis abowt, Cryis efter help, and can togidder call The landwart folkis and dowr foresteris all.

  11. So as Anchises had, apon this wys, Rehersit, as said is, all thingis at devys, Sibilla and his son togidder at schort 5 He leit depart furth at the evor port.

  12. Als quhat for walyng of irus wordis fell Agane reskewit said by the damycell, 20 Grekis flokkis togidder heir and thar, And ombesettis cruelly and sayr; The fellon Aiax, and athir Atrides, And al the rowtis clepit Dolopes.

  13. Pallas, nocht schrynkand for the mortale dynt, Invane the hait schaft of hys wond lies hynt; For al togidder by the sammyn way 25 The blude and sawle passys hyne bath tway.

  14. Amyd the cite we held the master streit, The dyrk nycht hyd ws with cloys schaddowis meit.

  15. Thus lang I levyt haue, and now is spent The term of lyfe that forton heth me lent; 20 For now my gret gost vndir erth mon go.

  16. Bot gif ȝour mynd langis to haue presens Of Anchises, pas vp ȝone swyre fut het, I sall ȝou lyghtly in the hie way set.

  17. This bischop tuik furth ane great scheife of arrowes knitt togidder werrie fast, and desired him to put thame to his knie, and break thame.

  18. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "togidder" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.